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Should Atheist be tolerant of religion or should it be treated as unacceptable social behavior?

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It's unacceptable when it's not taxed and assisted in covering up its scandals.


I would say that religion should be tolerated to an extent. I believe that if religion helps someone to act well towards others and feel purpose in their life, then I do not see a reason to take that away from them. However, I would also say that once people use their religious beliefs to try and control other's lives and choices, then it becomes unacceptable.


I think we should try to be tolerant of everyone, with limits. I don't think religion is a form of antisocial behavior. Racism, hate speech, misogny, that sort of stuff, always unacceptable.


As Bill Maher said “you don’t get to put your unreason on the same shelf as my reason”
Religion should be treated as what it is: mind control.


Excessive religiosity is unacceptable behavior in my opinion.


As long as they respect my lack of religion, I will pretend to respect their religion. For example, when a moslem gave me a ride, (he had a turban on his head and a koran on the seat) as I got out of the car I said "may Allah be with you" Not only did I make someone smile at no cost to myself, but he offered me $20 to help me on my way.


I for one am not a militant Antithiest . Live and let Live I want Christians and Moslems and all organised religions to leave us in peace to think freely. Who does it benefit to moch or chastise believers? I have witnessed the ugly side of aggresive Athiesm on social media, and they do not cover us in glory If anything it is setting the bar of decency and honour to the same gutter level that Christians & Moslems attack us with. We must be above this if we are true to our belief in reason logic science humanity and goodwill. Let us be tolerant and proud.


What some one does in their own home of their own free will is none of my business.
However when someone tells me what I do in MY own home is their business because I am doing it wrong, and their invisible imaginary friend is going to burn my children forever because of it, then I have a right to get a bit miffed!


Tolerance shows higher intelligence.


In general, religions should be tolerated. Treasonous political ideologies masquerading as religions should be vigorously opposed.


Atheist should not start a "holy" war against religion, but they should not shy away from voicing their position. CAVEAT: perhaps you should abstain from doing so in Saudi Arabia!


I think we should tolerate it to a certain extent, I have a motto when it comes to this. Stay in your world and I'll stay in mine. Everyone has a right to believe and practice what they wish, when it's shoved down someone else's throat that's when it's a problem.


Individual behaviors, religiously motivated or not, should be judged [un]acceptable on a case by case basis. Many things that are religiously motivated fall into the category of "doing the right thing for the wrong reason" but they are still the Right Thing. Many others are "doing the wrong thing for no good reason" and should be disapproved; pleading religious belief or god's alleged approval does not make any difference.

The worst harms of religion is attempts to impose religious beliefs or rule sets on people who do not voluntarily submit to them / join the group; promoting fact-free decision-making based on unsubstantiated asserted truth, appeals to authority, and the like; and undermining the rule of law and the findings of science when they conflict with dogma. But there are a lot of religious people who don't do these things.


Interesting questions: Every Friday night some relgious mob sends out their retards harassing people in a pedestrian mall. Sometimes they use some rather attractive chick. I realised I am more tolerant towards them. Unfortunately these morons are equipped with noise propagators. That is socially unacceptable but they get a licence. There used to be Christian sandwich mujaheddins at many intersections, but the seem to have lost their jeehad. They were probably not not properly trained in urban warfare. I tolerante these nutters just like other mentally challenged citizens. I wrote this yesterday and bingo today, in broad daylight I saw this fine specimen of biblebashers original edition Hallelujah


Tolerant of religious people maybe, but religion itself hardly. We must all be intolerant of bad ideas!


What do you think? Let's suppose we do treat it as unacceptable social behavior. What does that look like to you? How would that be accomplished? What would be the results? Christianity began as an underground movement with people being murdered for not renouncing their beliefs so how would this be any different other than it being non-believers as opposed to believers of a different faith. What exactly is it that you do not like about religion? For me, it is the very thought that anyone would try to dictate to me what I should believe, why I should believe it and how I should go about living as a result of that belief. So, my answer would be to be tolerant of the person but not religious dogma.
In my opinion the biggest problem WITH religion is that it uses fear as a tactic and manipulates people through them, their questions as "socially unacceptable behavior". That is exactly how many religions operate. Believe or leave!
What I think we should do is treat every individual with respect and choose to speak up but with the desire to help others learn. I believe we should each have the individual right to be as lost as we damn well please. As long as someone is open to an honest and diplomatic discussion regarding their beliefs I remain open to them. The minute they make it personal, I walk away. I could care less what others believe, it is how they treat life that matters to me. If they are kind, I am kind. If they aren't, I walk away, not from their dogma though, but rather their attitude and closed mind. Que sera, sera! Not my problem what others believe. How they act is where I focus my attention.


The difficulty is that so much of history is religiously tarnished. Even the non believers have heard about the major religious brand names and the action heroes. I compare it to the proliferation of junk food brands. Most people would know about McDonald's and KFC even if they are not consumers.
Having said that recently I took a shortcut through a church. Inside I checked for elements that would give the brand away. There was a sort of menu but I still didn't know.
Then I saw a young woman at the operating panel for the organ. So I asked her. When she said that she was just the organ fixer and only knew the brand of the organ but not the church, I had to giggle.


I don't think i need to do anything other than what I am doing already'
I don't do should's and ought 's because: To whom am i answerable? Only myself and I will decide if I should or ought to do something without any help from outside'

I have found in my life that 'should' is an unneccesary word; that is almost divisive ;those who think 'should'; and those who think 'shouldn't ';Its also as if you are saying something about atheists as if we are somehow part of a group the only thing I have in common with people here is an and unbelief is that enough to base anything around.

I also have an ease because I don't have to start from basics.But a club of people who don't believe in the supernatural feels to me like over-egging the pudding = "what for? as Groucho Marx said I wouldn't join any club that would have me


Using religion to push an agenda is unacceptable social behaviour, without a doubt. Being privately religious is, in my opinion, a bit stupid, but it's not unacceptable.


Good luck on that!


Should my beliefs be shunned because others disagree?


Personally I break it down to the most finite, black/white choice possible.

If whatever they’re up to us causing me no harm? Great! Have fun...

If it IS causing harm? Strike with furious vengeance in the most critical fashion, be it words, actions, weapons, or plain old ass kicking, as long as it’s fitting for how one was crossed.


We have to have a civilization, but we have to recognize that when someone believes in Santa Claus... well, that person isn't going to function optimally.

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