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The best is the best.

MerlinZap 8 Apr 5

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Trump was a far better president than Obama!


Obama- We had a mas exodus of companies leaving the US
Trump- Best economy in US History

Obama- Slowest growth after a recession in US History
Trump- Grew more in the first 1.5 years than Obama did in eight years

Only a social retard would look at the US under Obama and think it was even remotely close to a success.

Obama did get one thing 100% correct when he said on camera "Never underestimate Jow Bidens ability to fuck things up." He pegged that one.


My big thing is, the one on the left could speak in complete sentences, and coherently too...i ever knew how important that was!!!!!!!!


This is awesome and smart of whoever did this.

Obama failed in Crimea, Libya revolt and Syria big time but he was a clean and decent man. My least favorite was he took shit from Netanyahu in the White House on camera.


We should resist the temptation to make Obama a saint. He has a lot of blood on his hands. He let Assad get away with using poison gas. He unnecessarily insulted Putin. He bailed out Wall Street...

Now Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People

German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel admits that they were lying about the Minsk Agreements.

It was all another smoke screen, an excuse to invade Syria and steal its oil. Just like Iraq. No pattern there at all, right . . . ?

Saint Obama:
This is a small part of a post by Raúl Fernández-Berriozábal from quite some time ago . . . . regarding Barak Obama.
What president in U.S. history before Obama, bombed 7 nations?
Can you think of the last man in world history that bombed 7 different nations prior to Obama?
I'll give you a hint: it was this short man, with really bad temper, a funny accent and an even funnier mustache...
• Barack Obama has ordered 10 times more drone strikes than war criminal George W. Bush.
• Obama discreetly brokered and authorized the sale of more arms to foreign governments than any other U.S. president since World War II. According to William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, in an interview with Democracy Now!, the volume of deals authorized by Obama exceeded the amount approved by George W. Bush throughout his tenure by nearly $30 billion.
• The majority of weapons exports under Obama have gone to the Middle East and Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia who is currently committing a genocide in Yemen, tops the list at $46 billion in new agreements.
• Nuclear spending alone rose higher under Obama than under any U.S. president. Obama destined $1 trillion for nuclear weapons, nuclear warheads, nuclear delivery systems, and nuclear factories.
• Deporter-in-Chief Barack Obama's promised to make a priority in the first 100 days of his administration a comprehensive immigration reform. Instead he became the worst president in history toward immigrants by deporting over 2.5 million people including over 50,000 parents of American citizens. (Let us keep in mind that Obama won not once, but twice the U.S. presidency largely as a result of the latino voters that supported him).
• One of Obama's key points during his first presidential campaign was labeling GMO's - he seemed to be an ardent opponent to them, once he became a president one of his first moves was to appoint Michael Taylor from Monsanto as the senior advisor to the commissioner of the FDA.
• Obama expanded United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM or AFRICOM) military operations. AFRICOM is in essence a tool for re-colonizing Africa.
• During the midst of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to Israel's genocidal operation "Protective Edge" in 2014, Obama sent additional funds, arms and ammunition to Israel to continue the atrocities in Gaza and went out of his way to advocate day and night for "Israel's right to defend itself". This aid was supplementary to the 4 billion dollars Israel receives annually and the 225 million add-up approved by the Senate,
• Obama's regime lawlessly went to war against Libya even after Congress explicitly rejected its authorization turning the most prosperous African nation into a failed state ran by Al-Qaeda/ Daesh.
• Obama's regime incurred in high treason by purchasing and supplying guns, heavy weapons, high-powered munitions and explosives to foreign aggressors, U.S. enemies, namely Al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nusra, Daesh/ISIS and other terrorist organizations, known enemies of the U.S. - as of today, Obama's regime continues to contraband weapons and Wahhabi jihadist mercenaries from Libya to Syria via Turkey.
• In October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. ATF agents implemented federal gun-trafficking operation "Fast and Furious" which allowed the sale of more than 2,000 guns to drug cartels across the Mexican border.
• Obama's regime has orchestrated multiple indirect interventions in many nations including Sudan, Lebanon, México, Philippines and Colombia among others, his regime has established military presence and military in more than 178 nations.
• Obama's administration is directly responsible for the destabilization of democratically elected governments in Venezuela, Ukraine, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Nicaragua, Honduras and Bolivia among other nations.
• As a candidate he promised to close Guantanamo, later he funded the base indefinitely and even force fed inmates during their hunger strike in 2005.
• Obama became the first president African or of African heritage to bomb two African nations (Libya and Somalia).

Feel free to use this anytime someone starts lionizing this criminal.


Trump was bad and all but to say Obama was way better is a fair stretch in my opinion. The guy had half a million civilians killed by our drones in just 8 years, literal monster.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 6, 2023
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