Our VP isn't liked by many brilliant Democratic Faithful with the political wisdom of FDR, or something. When asked why they would not approve of a woman of color to be a Party Leader these Saintly, unracist, female loving women and men with such judgment can't point to much more than a warble in her voice. I think it's time for Dems to stop putting their great individual minds as sacrosanct and embrace the Party Leaders who are getting things done. This Admin, of which she is a part, has been great. Proclaim it.
Nice speech. I appreciate that she checks certain boxes. However, can she win an election on her own in a profoundly misogynistic culture? Does she project confidence and competence? Will she appeal to the moron undecideds? Is she, or can she be, inspiring? I wish her well, but we can't afford another Hillary. Will women vote for her? Everything, everything is on the line. As qualified as she is, she still needs to get some serious coaching. And frankly, much better scriptwriting. (I'm available!)
I support the administration as much as I can stomach, but Biden and Harris are both right of center and have punted or fouled everything. That will always be better than the alternative. It's really frustrating.
(Why has the Administration said nothing about Garland, Wray, the Flynns or Powell. We are so fucked.)
as far as the Admin commenting on ongoing things/people, IMO it is IMPERATIVE they try their best to look 'above it all'/neutral or inflame those just waiting to scream 'witchhunt'.
we need more excuses for the rabble to rouse like we need more school massacres.
@AnneWimsey I’m with you. She’s not the one running for president so her electability is only a problem if she’s made to be one. I think she’s fine.
She can become the one running for president at any moment...
I believe Biden can and should win again, but we deserve so much better.
@racocn8 I agree we deserve so much better than Trump or Biden, but we won't get it as long as the corporate media continues to control the minds of most voters, so that they are not able to see how we need a real third party to get us out of this mess. As for Biden winning again, I don't think he will, and I also think the only reason Trump lost was that Covid happened on his watch, which he totally blew except for getting the vaccines developed. I still think it was Covid happening, Trump botching the handling of it, and the economic collapse from Covid, that got Biden elected. And since then, Biden has continued to disappoint so many voters, as well as the inflation and other economic problems that have continued under him, that he will get enough of the blame for those for him to lose. The Dems are counting on abortion being enough of an issue for him to win on this time, but I think they overestimate how much voters care about that compared to inflation and the continued inequality, student debt, and lack of decent jobs out there.