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I can't find it! Anyone relate?

A simple $5 or $10 knife sharpener. I keep it in a specific place. I cut a lot of stuff up and I've got cheap knives. It's important. I can't find it anywhere. I've looked everywhere, 2 and 3 times. I've looked where it could be, should be, and wouldn't be. Can't find it anywhere. It's like someone came into my home when I wasn't looking and took a $5 knife sharpener and nothing else. Sometimes it's the littlest things that drive a person crazy.

FvckY0u 8 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes I have to hurry and put things away because someone is coming over, so I shove everything into a basket of all kinds of unrelated things, and then I forget I've done that and crazily look everywhere except the junk basket for the "lost" object. Now I've learned, look in the baskets first. 😉


Usually, when you cease to think about it you either come across it or recall where you put it.


I can relate to this and it happens to me often. I "lost" an item once that I keep in a closet in the little bedroom. It then got into my brain that I left it on the porch and a neighbor kid stole it while I was gone. After 3 or 4 times of looking I found it back in the little bedroom closet where it should have been. Is it ghosts or demons playing a trick? Yes, it was me and I simply did not see that item in my closet the first few times I looked for it.

Years ago I was in a car with others and we had to scream at the driver because he was pulling out in front of an oncoming car. The driver honestly admitted he did not see that car. Strange things happen.


probably got discarded with some peelings awhile ago. how much is your time worth to look/be frustrated when you could simply add it to your shoping list?


They say that if you call out its name repeatedly, "knife sharpener" it helps some people to remember where they put things. It never worked for me, but some people swear that it works for them.

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