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Be subtle and many will miss your point...

FrostyJim 8 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I used to think that the story that, Americans could not understand irony, was an urban myth. Then I joined this site.


i mostly enjoyed my 15-hours-a-day time on FB after they burned Bernie, trying to turn the tide to at least neutral for Hilary, the only sane candidate vs. drump, but it was soooo much like shoveling beach sand with a teaspoon, underwater......on the other hand, the Estonian trolls put up a pic of white-haired 70-something me with the all caps headline "pedophile" which was both hilarious and satisfying as they clearly thought i was having an effect, plus sent me 2 threatening emails to my personal inbox....both misspelled, including, memorably, ''....i have 3 degrees from barkley..." the dog academy?
Good times......


I live to argue with people on the internet, and God is a philosophical necessity.

skado Level 9 Apr 29, 2023

No, I think you are talking about Odin

Odin was a god.

@skado I was hoping somebody would say that. Odin was not a deity. He did not require prayer or adoring .. He tried following best practices. He learned and observed the laws of nature. He did no hocus pocus, and was scared of the three norns, the most powerful creators and maintainers in the universe. Thir names were Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. They tended the World Tree , Yggdrasil, and determined the fate of men. No faith is required.

Are you saying he was not a deity only because he didn’t behave like the Christian deity? What was he if not a deity? A real, historical person? Upon what authority should we rely to determine whether Odin was a deity?


@skado He was a hero and you can base that on what I tell you.

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