What make's you feel secure?
Oh heck no, it does the opposite. Marketing makes you feel your life isn't good enough unless you buy this product or that. What makes me feel secure is trusting my gut and my assessments, questioning things, and not letting anyone or anything make me doubt or feel less about myself.
Marketing is propoganda. It has you (enough 'yous' to make it monetarily feasible) believe whatever 'it' wants 'you' to believe. One can ignore it so it doesn't affect one directly, but the indirect effects are felt. (This is my simplified version.)
All advertising is made to make us feel that we urgently need or want someone. In some cases, it uses fear as the motivation for need or desire. Of course, it is designed to make inroads into our senses of security.
A broad and unspecific question deserves a broad and unspecific answer.
Fear is a commodity.
. I don't feel insecure.