7 4

More shooting. 4 dead. .... and it was all due to people getting worked up over some birds.
..... but not where you might think. Read the link:-

Four dead after suspected pigeon racer dispute

Petter 9 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Democrats are like weak attorneys on the right side. In other words, we have ineffective leaders for good people.

Republicans on the other hand have winning attorneys for criminals.


Safest Countries in the World 2023

That must be rare in Portugal. Portugal comes in sixth in the most peaceful countries rankings for 2022. In 2014, Portugal was ranked 18th globally and has since made significant strides. Unlike Iceland and New Zealand, Portugal has armed police; however, an increased police presence has resulted in a decreased crime rate in the country. []

The United States ranked 129th in the Global Peace Ranking for 2022. The United States' ranking has fallen every year since 2016.


The world's going mad....


I am Always alert for the sounds of gunfire and aware enough of my surroundings to see what i could use for shelter/concealment..i do not need to consciously focus on it, it just happens.
i was raised on the oft-told story that if it wasn't for impending rain making them have to get in the hay, i would not have been born as the family was going to see the Circus in Hartford.
Every movie theater, or any venue, i immediately check the Alternate exits (not the one most entered by, that's where the bodies will stack up like cordwood). Have done this my entire life. and i live in a relatively civilized state, Ct.
to me it is really no different than how mankind has always lived.....animal predators, neighboring tribe attacks, plagues, runaway horses, etc ec etc. ASSuming you are 'safe' is just foolish! If they assigned every single person a bodyguard, how could you be sure Your bodyguard was not a paranoid schizo? You couldn't.......



At first I was sure it was in the USA. Now I am relieved it isn't in the US, but horrified that other countries have this problem. Humankind and guns don't mix together well, but that seems to be our history. We're just not learning.


Primates shouldn't have guns.

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