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It seems that a number of people are getting excited by these 2 Americans talking. FrayedBear just laughs & says I've been telling you these sort of things since February 2022 & all you did was abuse me.

It's not RT its two Americans ex CIA agent Larry Johnson talking with Stephen Gardner about the lies contained in the propoganda espoused by the Biden administration & its sycophantic allies that is widely promoted by the western media.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

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OK, Biden has dementia. What does this say about your champion, Trumpty Dumpty, who is 77 years old and ranting? Do we want Democracy of Christian Fascism? In my view the vocaloldfart is correct.

He's not my champion.
Most know that I adhere to my adage of "the only good politician is one who has been dead for 50 or more years".


@FrayedBear. I miss seeing you post Russian propaganda. You still haven't told me who the imbecile with the glasses is. I don't keep up with Russian state media. Rumble has so much turnover in staff. I think they pushed their last host out of a building or fed them Novichok.

As far as I'm aware joe it's an independent American blog.

@FrayedBear Stephen Gardner is an "American" economist and a "contributor" to Rumble, which is Russian State Media. It still operates in the US because the Ruskies shut down RT in United States. This is all Pro-Russian propaganda. Putin had done more to strengthen NATO by invading Ukraine than was ever thought possible. If Donald Fuckity-Fuck Trump were president, everything would fall in place for the Russian Federation. Too bad fuckers. Guess what's next. UK is going to vote to re-enter the EU. Maybe that'll give Putin that well deserved massive heart attack we are hoping for.

@barjoe Putin & heart attacks - I doubt it.

By the way - does the fact that I wrote to the local parliament on the subject of religion make me a cleric, an academic, a god botherer, a pagan or simply someone with broad interests? I could have said catholic but know many would not understand.


The first casualty in the conflict was the truth.
Russia or the Ukraine, we are all fed bullshit, depending which side of the fence you sit the bullshit differs a bit.

BUT as all sides revel in the bullshit, no one laments the passing, burial or cremation of truth
Of one thing I am certain, as long as there is money to be made or stolen, this cash cow conflict will continue.

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