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Canadian government blocking me from IDW site

1patriot 8 Aug 17

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MAGA heads live in a fantasy world, got it a long time ago.


Any guesses as to why Democrats don't want voter ID???

Oh well, why are Republicans so in favour of it? After all, they are the party of small hands-off govt. Why add yet another layer of bureaucracy? It is not like there is a considerable need, The actual numbers of voter fraud are not significant so why try and fix something that is not that broken?
Could it be that fraud is not the real reason for voter ID? Could there be another reason? Could it be that voter ID will reduce the overall number of voters? Could it be that a lower turn-out is better for the GOP because they only look after the guys at the top and any at the bottom can go fuck themselves?


To make sure that the person voting is who they say they are. An ID is needed to drive, buy a house, rent an apartment, buy a car, get a job, etc. Why not to vote?

@CourtJester Well, lots of poor people do not have a photo ID. Lots of jobs do not ask for an ID. Not everyone drives. I myself did not have one for decades. Plus surprise surprise lots of red states do not accept some IDs like student IDs.
Add to all that the amount of actual fraud is minuscule.
No we both know this is about voter suppression and fraud is just an excuse.

Homeless maybe don't. Poor people need an ID to rent or buy a house. It's an argument used by those that want to cheat. If ID's aren't important, throw yours away. Let's get rid of ID's for absolutely everything.

@CourtJester So homeless people don't get to vote? How about people who live with their parents, maybe as carers? Why are student IDs not okay? And mostly why are they needed in the place? As I previously stated the actual incidences of voter fraud are minuscule.

Only if they have an ID. Voting should take at least a basic effort. If people can't put in the most basic effort, then screw them.

@CourtJester "Screw them" Well there we have the Republican manifesto in a nutshell, thank you.

Yep. "Honest voting- the republican manifesto in a nutshell". I'll take it.

@CourtJester Well not really, There are two court cases pending that accuse Trump & co of attempting to rob "honest voters" of their votes. Not to mention the mob he set upon the capital to try and hang Mike Pence. Not what I would call "honest voting". And before you spout bs about challenging the vote, he did so 62 times in court and lost 61 times. That should have been the end of it if not for Trump's narcissistic ego.
The MAGA snowflake caravan bleats on and on about the political justice dept but they were volunteers. Trump did not have to try and steal the electoral college votes. He was told in no uncertain terms by his White House council that this would lead to him dealing with the DOJ for years but he knew better.
Similarly, he could have returned the documents when asked but (and I quote Bill Barr here) he dicked them around for 18 months.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


This is the wrong website for you. This website is for people who think.

looks like your in the wrong place than!

@1patriot I think your comment contains two misspellings.


it's just that illegal voting isn't as scary as the incompetent bearing of arms. no license needed for that, and i would figure its at least as common.


B S.

Hey Tom


Tell that one in church this Sunday, it'll get a huge laugh.


ARE YOU LIKE, STUPID OR SOMETHING? That would be a Yes!!!!


Oh let me think why... Well maybe (just maybe)because Covid is real and election fraud is not

But elected frauds are real 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 And people are struck by lightning and motor vehicles. Which one requires any action?

@TheoryNumber3 Yes there is some electoral fraud but it is minuscule and not significant. Of the 0ver 150 million votes cast in 2020, the actual numbers of individual fraud struggled to reach 3 figures. However, the amount of deterrent voter ID poses for poor to cast their legal vote is quite high (what a coincidence).
It is not that coincidental that the same people soooo concerned about voter fraud, show such little concern regarding Trump's fake electoral college votes he attempted to be counted on Jan 6th. Where is your meme on that?

@273kelvin I didn't say "electoral fraud" I said "elected fraud" as in TRUMP. Everything about him is fraudulent.

@TheoryNumber3 Sorry, easy mistake


Oh dear god! My block list will already be growing and we just came back online. No time for this bullshit.

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