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Moscow has overcome Western economic sanctions and honed a bigger and more effective military through 18 months of combat - by Tony Cox

NATO’s ‘proxy war’ blues: How the US-led campaign to use Ukraine to ‘cripple’ Russia has failed []

62% of Americans see the partnership between China and Russia as a “very serious problem.”
University of Chicago political science professor John Mearsheimer has claimed that US policies are creating greater “interdependence” between Russia and China. “The United States should be fostering good relations with the Russians and pivoting full force to East Asia because China’s a peer competitor . . .,” he said in an April interview. “Is it doing that? No, it’s actually pushing the Russians into the arms of the Chinese, and it’s pinned down in Eastern Europe.”

FrayedBear 9 Aug 29

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Photographic evidence that this is total bullshit. What do you expect the filthy stinking Russians to say? Truth be told, if Trump had won (he lost, he lost, he lost) he'd have let Putin invade unimpeded. Biden won. Russia Is Fucked. They are totally FUCKED! The funniest thing is India just passed them in the space race.

The funniest thing is that Donbass & Crimea are a part of Russia. That America is now sending illegal cluster munitions to Kiev because they've run out of shells. That Russia as a partner in BRICS is is powering ahead, that soon the $US will not be the only currency used in world trade. That Russian citizens are hugely benefitting from the withdrawal of foreign business within Russia.
Meanwhile stupid Americans have to put up with a bankrupting health system & lack of service, worsening road & rail links, homelessness & a continuing lack of honest disclosure by its government - all matters that I recall Trump raising.

@FrayedBear Donbas and Crimea are Occupied Ukraine, not fucking Russia. America has problems but the economy is strong. Trump is almost as big a piece of shit as Vlad the Impaler.

@barjoe occupied or defended from Ukrainian genocide & tyranny? The people of the region have voted with their feet & do not wish to be part of the Ukraine & Zelinski's dictatorship directed by USA psychopaths.

@FrayedBear Another RT link. It's hysterical! It's like Xtians using the bible for evidence of Jeebus.

@barjoe confess Joe - you are well aware that your American mainstream media is not going to report this. Why would anyone pay attention to an Ukrainian economic refugee living in America? You have proven time & time again that you are not rational.

@FrayedBear I'm rational I'm just not Russianal.

@barjoe faux American as well as Ukrainian.


That's not the evaluation of anyone outside of Russia.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Glenn unless he's an RT poltergeist it appears that he's one of yours, an American writing the article.


Tony Cox, is a US journalist who has written or edited for Bloomberg and several major daily newspapers.

@FrayedBear So what? He's a Russian dupe now tho. []

@barjoe you mean he's a faux yank? Like you're a faux Ukrainian?

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