Trump is 'suspected' of taking positions that benefit Putin because he is in some way under Putin's control. Ramaswamy takes these same positions because... (he supposedly likes Trump's policies??!!). (i.e. Putin owns Ramaswamy too)
I admit that I entertained the hypothesis that Trump is a puppet of Putin, that Putin has some kind of power over Trump. But after mulling it over for years I have decided that's not the way to understand their relationship. I think Trump considers himself at least Putin's equal, if not his superior. Trump admires Putin for his brutality and cunning, and ability to stay in power indefinitely, enriching himself along the way. Putin is a model to he emulated. Trump is friendly to Putin because he sees him as a valuable ally in tearing down American democracy and installing himself as the American version of Putin: the head of a criminal gang with sovereign powers. Ramaswamy is just an interloper, riding on Trump's coat tails.
Yeah, we don't need a livable planet.
Well, a billionaire might feel like he can ride out the unfolding environmental collapse in comfort, and die of old age before it can catch up with him.