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DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims
liberals are sick at this, aren't they

1patriot 8 Sep 2

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Another psycho post from another psycho website.

yea liberals are sick bunch we just stopped it in two canadian provinces but it has been pass in two western yea liberals are psycho and it's coming your way after all biden got 81 million fake votes!


Wow, you can & will piss yourself over just about anything.......


This is nothing more than ''conservative'', theistic HYSTERIA. And no...liberals are NOT ''sick at this''...unless you mean that this hysterical BS is sickening?

yea you guys are sick bunch...with out a doubt Biden believes there are 52 different genders...Biden is a known podophile as all you support him to the death that would indicate you are of the same frame of mine!


When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.

The said report presented "solid evidence, with many official documents" showing the global organization insisting: "Schools must equip children to have sexual partners." it looks like you never read it?

@1patriot The fact that you have reprinted the words the article said does not make the words true. I see no "sold evidence" with many official documents. Who are the ones who claim to have "official documents."

@DenoPenno like i said your not looking into to are you were just stopped this in two provinces in Canada Sask and Manitoba won in the courts but Alberta and BC it was all passed before we even knew it was made a law in our schools...but we are going to get it changed here in Alberta!

@1patriot Good luck on schools equipping kids to be ready for sex partners. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. In my day my stepdad tore up a legitimate book I had borrowed called "Sexology" as parents thought they were the only ones to teach a kid about sex. An old song called "Out Behind The Barn" presented the fact that your parents taught you nothing about sex at all.

@DenoPenno so your ok with teaching children to masturbate in grade one? or should that be taught in grade 7

@1patriot You are pretty damned dumb if you think children have to be taught to masturbate. 🙂

@DenoPenno this is what we stopped in Saskatchewan and Manitoba...the Liberal or Democrats are pushing for it in all schools across north America i am doing my part to stop it what are doing? as police officer what, just let the government do what they want?

@1patriot So you are a Canadian pushing to stop something in America that you know very little about. I find that strange. BTW, I'm not a cop. That pic was when I was in security work.

@DenoPenno i am trying to warn you about the shit coming your way as it's passed here in Canada in many provinces! once passed it's hard to repel! unless you think it's a good thing.....i think it's sick mind!

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