Pointing out how elite college graduates act pretty stupidly...
I’ve been watching Israel oppress the Palestinian people my entire life in the news. One doesn’t need to attend a “liberal” college to know there’s two sides to this story. Unless your a white American christian, then there’s only one side to the story!
Fact is, when we kill civilians…..such as the thousands killed in Iraq chasing WMDs that didn’t exist, or dropping our bombs in Yemen and other countless nations, it’s called war. When the Palestinians kill civilians it’s called terrorism. Quite the double standard don’t ya think?!
When do the Palestinian people get a State, or do they just get left to deal with what is indeed “Apartheid Oppression” from Israel their entire existence…..
They get a state when the terrorists agree to have 2. If the Arabs were permitted to vote we might see a different story from the Moslem countries. Arabs vote in Israel. Not in any other reliable Arab state. Kings, Sheiks, puppet governments. Plenty of Arabs in Israel. Not many remain in the Islamic countries.
That quote of JSL is very telling of the radical left. Very true indeed.
Implying that the Israel occupation and oppression of the Palestinian is real is hardly a radical idea. The world has stood by and watched the abuse of the Palestinian nation my entire life leading to this inevitable outcome. You have a serious case of tunnel vision unfortunately…..
@Buck I think you're confusing Palestinians (who live and work quite peacefully in Israel) with the radical Muslims that hijacked Palestine a few decades ago. So you know, just under 20% of Israelis are Muslim (just not the crazy kind). Perhaps some of my Native American family members should stop by your place and burn you and your family alive in the streets, behead the babies, rape your female family members and take them hostage as sex slaves and servants. Ooor you could just pack up and go back to what ever country your ancestors came from before you ended up in Pennsylvania.
@captfeelgood I’m not confused about anything. And as usual, an ignorant bigoted comment from the peanut gallery…..
Was completely expected though, carry on with your arrogant know it all self….
@captfeelgood Convenient how the over half million Palestinians in Gaza don’t even exist to you. And you can’t figure out why the problem might not be them…..go figure.
@captfeelgood One thing this site has shown me is that even atheists are unread and ignorant and bigoted as the day is long…..
@captfeelgood FYI, your comment is the stupidest one I’ve heard yet concerning the crusades in the Middle East. Take a bow, you’ve earned it!!
Well be darn!! Looks like that Buck fellow either realized his mistake and deleted his responses, or he couldn't take all that rational thinking ,. Too funny..
Maher's bullshit is equivalent to click-bait. Empty nonsense demonstrating Maher's lazy thinking and unwillingness to research the problem he's addressing. Asshole.
Agreed. He disengenuisly oversimplifies and confuses things..