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Racoon 8 keeps saying Palestine as if all Palestinians want to kill Jewish people. That's why I say you're a racist labeling everyone the same this is why I say the Israeli government is guilty of genocide not all the Israeli people which many want peace and a better life for their neighbors. Those who support the Israeli government starving and torturing innocent people are truly evil because if Israel was doing that to you and your family you would feel the same

LachoStar 3 Oct 28

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I’ve posted only this.


Those who keep talking of "genocide" about what is going on in this region (Israel / Palestine) are simply stupid and /or ill-informed and/or brain-washed by a certain type of propaganda. Or they simply don't know what the word "genocide" means.


It is Hamas that intentionally brought all this about by their psychopathic murderous barbarism, this in furtherance of their stated goal of genocide. Hamas and the Gazans continue to hold wholly innocent people hostage. They are the ones doing this as collective punishment for the acts of the Israeli govt. Pleading sympathy for terrorists and those that kept them as leaders means you endorse genocide and terrorism. Worse, it is blind naivete not to admit that the Gazans are and continute to be willing stooges providing Iran with a proxy army. Do you recall how Iran previously held Americans hostage? Radical militant Islamism has been and continues to be a religious form of insanity that results in the cruelest repression and intolerance. But these folks have learned how to use modern propaganda to control the weak-minded who lack curiosity to know history. Other simply claim amnesia in order to justify their bigoted virtue-signaling.


Well said.
When POTUS Trump did not represent all Americans, people here will understand that (remember "Not my president"?). So by the same logic Israel does not represent all Jews, Netanyahu's government does not represent all Jewish Israelis, Hamas does not represent all Palestinians.
War crimes and crimes against humanity are criminal action and should have dire consequences for the perpetrators NO MATTER WHO. They should be loudly condemned NO MATTER WHO did them.
This is not a religious war, it is a war resisting an occupation. Israel wants it to be about religion because they are a theist state, the Jewish state. I prefer secular states so will not cry if Israel falls and becomes secular. They really have bought it upon themselves for electing Zionists, who wish to keep expanding and treating those they share the land with as lesser humans whilst resisting a lasting peace.
Hamas would not exist without Israeli occupation.

puff Level 8 Oct 28, 2023
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