19 10

Hi Everybody, the Site died again (?), or at least for me, had to get a new email and password to get back on after 3 days, now i'm Level 1....deja vu allover again i guess.
At least i have the T and the pen to prove it all wasn't just a dream.

annewimsey1 7 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome back. I was at level 9.3 and then it was back to level one. I've now been at level 7.3 for a long time. I wonder if points above a certain level, are kept as before.


@Glennlab was right…you’re already at 4. Keep reading, reacting, and responding and you’ll be at 7 before you know it. After that, it’s a bitch.
Photo for Thanksgiving Turkey creativity.


Welcome back! Write down your password this time.


Well that one did it

@glennlab Woohoo 🎉🎈


we'll get you to 4 before bed time

April 1st, pretty sure of it.


More points!!!


Hope to help with points!


I've had trouble getting on and staying on. I just tried posting a Duran Duran song, and after I hit submit it wouldn't post, and then I was kicked off the site. It took several minutes, and attempts to sign in, but I eventually made it back. I didn't have to get another email or create another profile. I think maybe my computer has trouble keeping the connection?

It must be your internet provider’s bad connectivity.

The site timed out for me yesterday, and I remember it doing the same around the time of the last breakdown. I think we're still standing on shaky ground here. Tonight, I got an error "502 Bad Gateway" and then couldn't log back in for a while. Enjoy it while we can, folks!

@Julie808 That's the message I kept getting too.


With all the problems this site has experienced, I've never had to create a new account.

Because? (I bet you recorded your password!)

@KateOahu there's a sad irony about passwords. They need to be complex and difficult to guess, and that means you must record them somewhere. We have no alternative but to record them somehow.

@BitFlipper The sad thing is that we need them.


You may want to give your old login another try

Over 3 days I tried every password I ever had multiple times a day and it rejected them all...even let me have unlimited tries, weirdly.

Unless you don’t have your password. Because you cannot reset it here.


Welcome back!!! I had to do the same the time before this one, and @glennlab has been helping me get my levels back on the meme groups.


I had problems getting on, but eventually did.

Glad to see you decided to sign up again, you are one of the more rational people here.


Got you up to two already. Keep posting and getting comments and likes.


I guess if we all end up losing our status of level 8 or higher, we can start over on level one, but wear our Tshirts for our profile picture, to prove our longevity on the site! I never got a pen, lucky girl you!

If I find my pen, I’ll give it to you. I never use it, because I don’t like fat pens.

@KateOahu Fat shaming your pen? Haha! I'm actually particular about my pens too - I use a particular kind that works well with the certificates I sign with my couples.


This latest resurrection isn't terribly robust. It still times out and other issues, but it's nice to see everyone again, however fleetingly. I don't normally comment on posts by lowly level 1s or 2s, but we need to get you back into full permissions on this site! Welcome back!


Anne post in memes r us or just for laughs and we'll get you well on your way to level 4 so that you can access most of the site.+


Sorry, here are some points.


Welcome back (again & again). It sucks that you had to go through all this trouble. My login credentials autofill so I'm not sure I could remember my password. I'm glad you put in the effort because you've been missed.

(Image added for the points.)


You don't have to do that. Just wait until it comes back with an updated site certificate, as I understand it. Look, each time it goes loopy I just think, well, this might be it, and if it is, so be it.

I hope Admin can restore your level.

Maybe if there was an Admin......

@annewimsey1 yeah

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