Came across this video on TikTok and thought the sentiment was spot on. Saw another user on this platform share and thought I'd do the same.
I had a religious nutjob assault me with his Jesus loves me mumbo jumbo as I got out of my car in the supermarket parking lot. I wish I had the eloquence this guy has in this video! My words to my assailant were not as kind. Why do these people think it's perfectly fine to approach strangers and insult them with their religious crap? And I totally agree with this guy.
To answer your question: such people are possessed by the demon of religion.
Their bible tells them to do this. "I have not silver or gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Caesar Chrisp." Well, it was something like that.
Anyone who bases their personal morality on one of the 'Holy Books' should, indeed, be regarded as a moral cockroach. But it's worse than that, as modern ethics far outstrips the morality set out in said books, so anyone following religious morality is rightfully suspected to be a dangerous psychopath. (Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott spring to mind...)
To whom was this addressed?
Good question. Though one would assume, that it is addressed to someone who asked that he limit his statements.
If he's in the US then it's likely a statement to the religious right trying to push their beliefs onto the rest of us through dangerous and ignorant legislation such as abortion bans and displaying religious text on public school walls.