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What are the things that you can’t see… ?

skado 9 Dec 30

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Democracy should be on everyone's top list of things we need to protect. It took centuries to evolve and could be wiped out in a matter of a decade or two. Two of the biggest threat to democracy are corporations and immigration. Migrants pushing their way in from countries that don't embrace democracy are a threat to eroding our democracy. Immigration needs major overhaul.


A democracy would comprise all those values.


less and less sightings of these too


Abstract nouns

Jimmy in heaven






Really Mister Carter??

I see justice occuring regularly around me, when those who truly have committed crimes are found guilty in Court of such, and pay an appropriate price for their misdeeds. Of course, I don't see as much of that as I used to years ago, but I still see some though.

I see truth out there when independent factcheckers pursue any and all evidence and analyze all the facts, in which to get the truth out there.

While the following is in decreased quantities nowadays, I still do observe some random acts of humility, when those who were incorrect about an assertion or conclusion readily admit they were wrong about such, and do not get emotional when they were proven wrong.

I see no shortage of service to others, especially private charities, who tirelessly seek to improve the lives of others when Government social safety nets are either not sufficient enough or all out fail.

Compassion goes along with the previous point, I see plenty of compassion and people giving to those who are in need.

And lastly, while this in my opinion is also decreased in quantity compared to years ago, I still do witness alot of love and support from others, especially those who work together for the common good and whom can learn to get past personal political/religious/or social differences.

So I agree with Mister Carter that those points are all the guiding lights of a life, but disagree with him on the seeing part, as personally speaking I can and have and still are readily able to observe all of those. Most things like that in life are indeed observable, for those who not only have their eyes fully open, but who are also paying keen attention to as well.



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