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The first successful airship was built and flown in 1852 by Henri Giffard (1825-1888), then Europe's leading steam engine designer.

What's your point?


His patent for an airship was granted in 1906.

@Polemicist So what? That also means that Giffard did it before the Wright brothers too, but somehow despite the fact that Henri Giffard flew first, IN AMERICA the Wright brothers get the credit. So why are the Wright brothers given credit for contributing to flight but somehow Charles Frederick Page isn't even mentioned in American history related to flight?


History indicates that navigable, powered airships in America (and elsewhere) pre-date CF Page's contributions.


@Polemicist You realize you haven't addressed my question don't you?


Shared to my FB page, ta.


THANK YOU for this! I'm sure I'm not the only one who hadn't heard of this man....I've forwarded this to everyone on my personal email list!

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