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Is it time to admit that the USA government is an oligarchyin the guise of a democracy

Free market economics does not exist.The GOP states that if governments would refrain from interfering a world economic order would rise that would let the best most efficient businesses rise to the top.In fact these businesses would not care about pollution or work conditions that are harmful to the workers because these things reduce profit. This has been repeated over and over that businesses cannot police themselves.By reducing the regulations trumpie is playing to this delusion.

Marine 8 May 6

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We're not there completely but we're getting close.


Ever heard of Bernie Sanders?


I believe the best classification for the United States government is a plutocratic oligarchy with democratic elements.

Don't forget the foundations under cover that are supporting the corporations desires and lobby for them.


It's always been an oligarchy designed as a democracy.

"a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution." This is exactly what has always been going on in the US...the key for those in this power, is to DISGUISE that this is happening so that the masses believe they're living in a democracy. The income inequality gives us all the answers we need in order to determine the kind of government we have. Those in power, with , for the kinds of policies that continue to benefit themselves and hurt others...this was being repaired a bit under the Obama administration, but all the good he did is now being undone by the current buffoon-in-chief.


I felt like we were living in a feudal system for some years before the current administration


noun, plural kakistocracies.

  1. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.


Add theocracy to the mix and you have a double whammy.

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