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LINK Elon Musk accused Jeff Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, of destroying Western civilization with her philanthropy. Then she quietly doubled her donations.

Elon Musk accused Jeff Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, of destroying Western civilization with her philanthropy. Then she quietly doubled her donations.

by Kwan Wei Kevin Tan

Elon Musk slammed MacKenzie Scott for her philanthropy, but that hasn't stopped her from donating.

Scott more than doubled her planned $250 million donation pledge, upping it to $640 million.

Musk previously accused Scott of being a "super rich ex-wife" who's destroying Western civilization.

Jeff Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, landed in Elon Musk's crosshairs this month for her philanthropic gift-giving.

But that hasn't stopped her from pouring her wealth into charity work. On Tuesday, Scott announced that she would be donating $640 million to 361 organizations.

The award is more than double the $250 million she had initially pledged to give away last year.

Lever for Change, the organization that assisted Scott with her philanthropic gifts, says 279 nonprofits are receiving $2 million each, while the remaining 82 organizations are getting $1 million each.

Lever for Change said that the open call for applications "initially planned for 250 awards of $1 million each" but that "in light of the incredible work of these organizations, as judged by their peers and external panelists, the donor team decided to expand the awardee pool and the award amount."

Scott's hefty donation has come weeks after Musk slammed her charity work.

"'Super rich ex-wives who hate their former spouse' should filed be listed among 'Reasons that Western Civilization died,'" Musk said in a now-deleted X post on March 6.

Musk didn't elaborate on why he'd singled out Scott, but he's been a harsh critic of efforts to promote corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion.

"DEI is just another word for racism. Shame on anyone who uses it," Musk said in an X post in January.

That wasn't the first time Musk ripped Scott for donating billions to charity. Back in May 2022, Musk claimed that his companies were being sidelined by the Democratic Party because Scott had donated to "PACs posing as charities."

"It's safe to say that MacKenzie [ahem] Scott is not exactly a big fan of her ex-husband. Unfortunately, a lot of others are getting caught in the crossfire," Musk said in an X post in May 2022.

Scott, for her part, appears to have issued no public reactions to Musk's comments about how she handles her money.

Scott said in a post on her website, Yield Giving, that the nonprofits were selected "from a pool of over 6,000 applicants." The 361 organizations, she wrote, were "elevated by peer organizations and a round-2 evaluation panel" and "are vital agents of change."

Scott's donations this year also include support for women's health and minority groups. She's donating to the ACLU of Alabama, the Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants, and the Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies, to name a few.

"This open call award helps us take our fight for justice and equity to the next level, continuing our work to dismantle the legal, structural, and cultural barriers that contribute to gender inequity," Megan Peterson, the executive director for the nonprofit advocacy group Gender Justice, said of Scott's donation. Peterson's organization is set to receive $2 million from Scott.

And unlike most philanthropists, who tie specific reporting requirements to their funding, Scott stands out with her no-strings-attached approach toward her donations.

In 2022, Scott said in a blog post on Medium that she'd donated nearly $2 billion to "343 organizations supporting the voices and opportunities of people from underserved communities."

Scott's donations in 2022 included $275 million to Planned Parenthood and $15 million to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

Musk and representatives for Scott at Lever for Change didn't respond to requests for comment from Business Insider sent outside regular business hours.

HippieChick58 9 Mar 20

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Musk is a smarmy little excuse of a man.


Based on her donations.....I really admire this woman!


I really wonder what effect growing up under apartheid rule in South Africa has had on his thinking about women and 'others' in general. He seems creepy to me.

No doubt it has and he is, but his Asperger's and slight speech impediment can make him seem a little off-putting. He often looks away from the interviewer which is likely due to that. That said, I think his personality and belief systems are creepy AF.


She is more than just an ex wife. Musk is just a misogynist to refer to her as that. She was a cofounder of Amazon. The divorce was basically a severance package, her interest in Amazon was worth $70 billion, she gave away nearly that much but it's still worth $40 billion. Her philanthropy is a great thing. She'll live in the lap of luxury for the rest of her life. Her family will always be taken care of and she'll continue to do amazingly good things for people. Musk will go down as a psychopath, she will be remembered as a loving person with a beautiful spirit.

The more I learn about Musk the less I like him. What a douchebag!

@annewimsey500 I feel the same way

@Unity Me, too!

@annewimsey500 I wouldn’t spend a dime on anything Musk is associated with. Sadly, I have no control over the tax dollars that are flowing into his space program and other enterprises.

@annewimsey500 Years ago, when I first joined, I was a newbie. I posted a negative thing about Elon Musk, it was before it was common knowledge what an asshole the guy is. I got piled on by almost everybody on the site. Everybody admired him a lot 5 years ago. I'm sure he disappointed a lot of people.

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