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LINK Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms

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Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms

by: Keymonte Avery Jun 20, 2024 / 04:43 PM CDT

BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — A spokesperson of the Hindu community is seeking to have ancient Sanskrit scriptures displayed in public classrooms alongside the Ten Commandments.

On Wednesday, Gov. Jeff Landry signed a law that requires each public classroom, starting from kindergarten to state-funded universities, in Louisiana to display the Ten Commandments.

The President of the Universal Society of Hinduism Rajan Zed said in a statement that the Bhagavad Gita, or the Gita, was a historically significant document and he believes is a treasure that should be displayed in public school classrooms.

The Gita is recognized as a poem in India and used as spiritual guidance, according to Britannica.

Ten Commandments in Louisiana schools lawsuit to test legal precedent
Zed states the Hindu community would cover the cost of the “11×14” posters and no funding from the state or school would be required.

The Hindu statesman noted that multiple prominent Americans were influenced by the Gita including philosopher Henry David Thoreau, physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, philosopher Aldous Huxley and physicist Albert Einstein.

Zed believes that increasing the awareness of other religions would make classrooms in Louisiana “well-nurtured, well-balanced, and enlightened citizens of tomorrow.”
Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms

HippieChick58 9 June 25

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Wishing them every success!


Maybe a Muslim organization will want to have the 75 good manners or commandments from the Quran or the 5 pillars of Islam next. I would like to see how the republitards conservatives react.😂

They would scream that they were being discriminated against.


If you were a wallpaper manufacturer, you could get significant bits of the bible, Sanskrit scriptures, the Koran, the Eight fold path, Book of Mormon etc. printed on roll after roll of paper, and make a fortune by helping schools inoculate children against religion. While if you made it a foam backed paper you could get them to insulate the schools too. LOL


Fine. Let them do it because this is what will happen if ignorant men like Landry make a show of Christianity. All faiths have to be displayed now.

He should remember that the Flying Spaghetti Monster boiled for his sins! 😉


The fuckwit that is Jeff Landry is going to get extremely upset! HOORAY!!


Freedom From Religion Foundation has already filed a lawsuit against Louisiana for Gov. Landry's stupid law.

Hindis are suing to have their scriptures posted also...

I just read about that this morning. How many times do we have to keep fighting this same, tired battle!? I guess someone hopes (and it may come to pass) that SCROTUS (supreme court republicans or religious) of the US) will turn things around and totally re-interpret the 1st amendment.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz We had that issue at our airport hears ago. The then governor said if one is allowed ass are allowed. Funny thing, everybody and their dog wanted to display something and, in the end, the airport authority had to determine if something is allowed (and they nixed all special groups that didn't serve the public good).

@pedigojr That would include every religion I can think of...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz And lots of non-religious groups. Actually FFRF had their display stolen and later found beside the highway. This kind of fighting is what made the issue contentious and the decision made to ban all special interest groups.


Do they think than more than merrier, perhaps?


One prong of a multi pronged attack on religious stupidity. When do we expect the Pastafarians and Satanist’s to speak up?


And just where is the Satanic church?.....

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