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Israel funds AIPAC 80%. AIPAC targets pro Palestinian members & candidates seeking election in USA. USA has laws making such action illegal. Why has the USA authorities not done anything? Are Americans as stupid as the ones who recently gathered to watch their god end the world & when he didn't simply believed in him even more?

American vlogger Kyle Krystal reports on Guardian reporters who have identified 80 separate programmes operating in USA funded by the Israeli government to create disinformation to control US government policy in supporting genocide of the Palestinians. This is contrary to US law.




What will Americans do as the rest of the world laughs at them? Perhaps the likes of @DenoPenno, @wordywalt, @Alienbeing, @AnneWimsey500, @Tejas will respond.

FrayedBear 9 June 27

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The only people who believe what's happening in Palestine is genocide are delusional people or Muslims. Why don't you visit Palestine and don't forget to tell them about your lack of belief in God, I'm sure they will treat you fairly.

Tejas Level 8 June 28, 2024

And his name is Kyle Kulinski. Krystal is his partner. How are you going to share things you don't watch. Some real buffoonery on your part.

I've traveled most Muslims countries in the world as a non believer, wirhout any religious or God backup. They treated me respectful regardless. They did try to sell me Muslims lifestyle, yet not anymore than a Christian would.

It would fuckup my life plans royally.

I have Israeli friends who live in Israel and they say that Palestinians are treated abysmally by IDF and the majority of Israeli population. I also have friends who have been there on holidays and say the same. Besides I have travelled in Muslim countries and never ever have I been in any way treated in any kind of disrespectful way. Neither have anyone been aggressive towards me, however when I have been travelling in the US and spoken to people about not believing then I have confronted aggression and anger.

@Tejas Can you please be a bit more specific.

@Jolanta you speak English so it's more likely you will speak with someone here who doesn't agree with you. You were a tourist at most in those Muslim countries and liked didn't speak their language so its doubtful many would know your beliefs, and I doubt you told everyone you met so carelessly. Some Muslim nations are fairly tolerant of "infidels" such as Indonesia and a few others.

@Tejas have you visited Indonesia?

@Tejas yes very sloppy of me to not verify his name -I simply copied what YouTube presents:

@FrayedBear well you typed it backward. But it's Krystal, Kyle and friends

Carelessly? Yes speaking in the US about being a n agnostic Is carelessly I have found.

@Tejas And?

@Jolanta Posts General & Hellos

What I suspected months ago & stated on this forum is now being given legs by of all people a Chinese correspondent on Facebook. I will be delighted if correspondents to this thread can supply confirmatory or refuting evidence. Who is going to respond?
A few days ago, Ross Fang, former chairman of the Asia-Pacific region of the Republican Party of the United States, accused Chinese netizens of not sympathizing with the Jews because of the topic of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which aroused everyone's discussion.
After seeing this, a netizen quoted classics and wrote a long article in one breath, giving this Jewish American Republican member a history lesson.
Then, this Republican deleted his comment himself.

How strong is the fighting power of Chinese netizens?

Hello Mr. Fang, I was extremely shocked and angry when I saw your reply to the netizen.

Regarding your statement that "if the whole world helped the Jews during World War II, 6 million Jews would not have been killed", I want to refute that this cannot be a reason for you to massacre Palestinians.

In addition, this statement is wrong. At least during World War II, Shanghai, China, which was suffering from invasion, unconditionally accepted more than 50,000 Jewish people. (See []

But their way of repaying was to collude with the Japanese and try to establish a Jewish state in Northeast China. This is the famous "Puffer Plan".[] Fortunately, the plan failed in the end, and their extremely good "farmer and snake" story did not work in China. [[]]

What is even more unbelievable is that just two weeks ago, staff members of the Israeli Embassy openly claimed in front of the camera on the streets of Shanghai that they were in the French Concession.

Of course, when it comes to the origins of China and the Jews, there is much more than that.

As early as the Song Dynasty, about a thousand years ago. The Jews entered China as a wandering nation and multiplied and thrived on this land. (

As the richest dynasty in ancient China, the Song Dynasty enjoyed enough dividends here.

However, during the period when the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed and its subjects fled south, a Jewish merchant named Pu used private soldiers to kill a large number of Southern Song subjects and sent the bodies to the Yuan army as a token of his surrender.

Decades later, Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Yuan Dynasty and established the Ming Dynasty. The Han people regained power, but did not settle accounts with the Jews.

There was also the Opium War. In order to make money, the Jewish merchant Sassoon family sold opium to China, which caused great trauma to the Chinese. Your Excellency has lived in Asia for a long time and should not be unfamiliar with this. [[]]

The Chinese have never made things difficult for the Jews, because China began to accept moral education as early as three thousand years ago.

The Book of Shang is the earliest existing Chinese classic, written in the 10th century BC, exactly 3,000 years ago. At that time, you should have just been expelled from the so-called promised land and started your wandering life.

If you are familiar with your past, you should know that the Egyptians took you in, but you betrayed the Egyptians several times, and were finally slaughtered and expelled by the Pharaoh.

Ancient Rome took you in and even set up a Jewish province for Jews to live in groups, but you took advantage of King Trajan's expedition to the east and the country's defense was empty to launch a rebellion.

After defeating a few defenders, you actually slaughtered civilians crazily, even peeling off the victims' skin to make clothes, eating their meat, and feeding their corpses to wild beasts.

In Cyprus, Salamis, and Libya, a total of 220,000 civilians were massacred by the Jews.

The Jews were so cruel in front of the civilians, but unexpectedly Trajan only returned two legions and beat the Jews back to their original form.

The angry Roman legions killed all the way from Mesopotamia to Egypt along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, and the Jews living in this area were almost exterminated.

Later, the Jews launched a rebellion again and turned their knives against Christians, and a large number of civilians who believed in Christ were killed.

But unfortunately, they met one of the most wise kings of Rome, Hadrian, who mobilized 120,000 people to massacre the Jews.

He learned the lessons of Trajan's time, abolished the Jewish province, dispersed the Jewish people, and since then the Jews officially began their life of exile in the world.

And Titus, who later massacred Jerusalem, left only the Western Wall of the former Second Temple. Since then, your people have been crying here every day.

For thousands of years, the Jews have suffered countless massacres and expulsions, and countless nations have sympathized with you, but you have repaid them with countless betrayals.

Even so, you have always arrogantly believed that you are a superior nation and God's chosen people who are superior to others.

You never reflect on and summarize the lessons of the past, and your culture is naturally destructive, ugly, exclusive and hostile to other nations.

However, all this does not work in China. The Chinese have their own moral values. They never think they are a superior nation, nor are they afraid of any nation with a strong sense of superiority.

The Chinese are tolerant, have a sense of shame, know how to reflect, and know how to repay kindness.

John Rabe, a Nazi who saved Chinese people during the Nanjing Massacre, is grateful to every Chinese who knows him.

Lenin's communist revolution was aided by cohorts of Jewish thugs from the ghettos of Europe and New York. The result was the brutal extermination of 60 million Russians and the Tsar and his family.
This subterfuge was mimicked throughout much of Europe in the period between the two world wars.

Two years ago, the hospital where his grandson worked was short of medicine and asked for help from the Chinese Embassy in Germany. The Chinese people donated money and materials immediately.

The president of the Swedish Red Cross, whose name I don’t remember, rescued 35,000 people in concentration camps during World War II, of which 6,000 were Jews. Later, he was sent to Jerusalem by the United Nations to confirm the border issues between the newly established Israel and Palestine. Just because he said a few fair words, he was shot six times by Jews and died on the spot.

During World War II, Yugoslavia saved a Jewish girl. 50 years later, she personally ordered the indiscriminate bombing of Yugoslavia and dismembered it with her own hands. Many years later, when she was interviewed by a reporter and asked "whether she regretted bombing Yugoslavia", she answered "No". She was the first female Secretary of State of the United States-Albright

In similar vain the war in Ukraine is evidently a Zionist Jewish project, the extermination of the Slavs to make way for the reinstatement of the lands to the Khazar jews which they claim to be their historical birthright.

China does not need to go to war with the USA or Europe, Jewish driven neo-liberalism is ensuring the collapse of America and the implosion of Western Civilisation.

In 1947, Jews came to Palestine by boat. On the refugee boat, it was written "The Germans destroyed our homeland, you should not destroy our hope".

The kind-hearted Palestinians accepted you, but you said it was your promised land. For more than 70 years, you have been slaughtering your benefactors day and night, creating the largest open-air prison in history.

How much sympathy do people from all over the world need to satisfy you? ? ?

There is a sentence in the ancient Chinese classic "Wang Zheng":

"A country that is small but does not humble itself, has little strength but does not fear the strong, is rude and insults its big neighbors, is greedy and stubborn and has bad relationships, it is worth perishing."

Today I only give you this article, please respect yourself.

~~Reposted from Lin Hua's Facebook, the original text is in simplified Chinese


@Tejas you're still grovelling picking at mouse droppings & avoiding the content of the podcast. You have the brain functioning of the mouse that left its shit for you to play with. Try lifting your abilities moron.

@FrayedBear no I'm just not a boot licker like you. You lick putins shoes and now Muslims sandals, gross.

@Tejas And who's bottom do you get up into all the way.

@Jolanta you say that like it's a bad thing

@Tejas Oh, so you enjoy the smell then.

@Jolanta no smell if you wash your ass, stinky

@Tejas Nonsense, since you get up it all the way of course it smells, but maybe in your case you cannot notice that as there is something wrong in that department.

@Jolanta it's called douching lady. People who practice anal or general hygiene know a thing or two about it. Are you suggesting my nose doesn't work? Lol

@Tejas I am saying not only your nose that is not working.


Let that asshole Trump get back in and the whole world will laugh at us anyway. What are we gonna do? I'm not sure I can be prodded into anything because someone says the whole world is laughing at us. It is more dumb than saying you are chicken not to get a tattoo.

I don't think that the whole world in laughing at the US, more like the whole world is just shaking their heads and being worried if Trump gets in.


The whole world is just hoping the US will get better.

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