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Israeli economy self destructs? The following report suggests that despite Biden & USA 's munificence the exodus of Israelis, imposition of sanctions by key suppliers across the globe, loss of credit rating, cheap labour are all resulting in the demise of the State of Israel.

Breaking point's Krystal and Emily discuss Israel self destructing their economy amid the escalating tensions with Iran.

. . . And there was much cheering from the sidelines but a warning voice asks "will this exodus of Israeli Jews results in other countries such as USA, South Africa, Australia, UK, Germany et al being infected by people having the same beliefs of superiority, right of genocide, suppression of others through apartheid & immunity for crimes as the current genocidal Jewish perpetrators?

FrayedBear 9 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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This is what happens when a country elects a proven criminal for it's leader. Things will get even worse if (when) Kamala get elected. She has said she will reconsider our response to Israels extreme actions.

You mean criminality is not a prerequisite for election to office in America?

Have there been any US presidents in the last 300 years who have not been criminals?


Every US President in the last 20 years at least, should be in prison

And if Kamala is not elected America will end up with the proven criminal. WTF?


Slowly coming around, it starting with sanctions to individuals and corporations , soon enough countries will sanction Isreal. It will work on Isreal, where sanction on Russia won't work and why would it?

Companies requiring Boycott because of their support of Israel & its genocide of Palestinians.

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