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More commentary on Israel's impending energy crisis. Will a means of turning off their water supplies soon be accomplished?

Where Israel has been turning the power off in Gaza for decades, now it looks like they might get a taste of their own medicine!
Right, so Israel have an energy crisis on their hands and frankly if you’re going to sanction a warmongering nation that will not listen to reason, we know sanctions are the best way to do that – cripple a nation economically to force their hand. It worked in South Africa during the days of apartheid there, it should work in these days of apartheid in Israel too and the delicious irony here is that the effect of this latest sanction, coming courtesy of Colombia of all places, will do to Netanyahu and do to Israel, exactly what they’ve been doing to Gaza for decades.
Right, so that was a clip I often like to remind people of, that clip of Keir Starmer saying Israel does have the right to turn off water and turn off power to Gaza, war crimes as they are, Starmer still to this day has not apologised for saying all of that and likely never will, he never apologises for anything, he’s simply denied he ever said what he said ever since despite it clearly being there on video. Well cutting off power, is exactly what Colombia have done to Israel and you might be wondering how a nation in South America can possibly do that to a country nowhere near it geographically in the Middle East, but Colombia is the biggest coal exporter to Israel going, Israel’s power stations for the most part are still coal driven, so it’s going to cause absolute chaos and you probably don’t know a damn thing about it because yet again, our mainstream media here in the UK appear to be completely ignoring this story as well. Thank God for alternative media eh? Where would you be without us! Speaking of, here’s an excerpt from Skwawkbox’s coverage, who you can always rely on top pick such stories up:
‘Colombian president Gustavo Petro has signed a decree ending the country’s exports of coal to Israel because of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. Before the decree, Colombia was Israel’s biggest fossil fuel supplier.
Petro, who is pushing through improvements in pensions, healthcare access, labour laws and education for ordinary Colombians despite resistance and an attempted ‘soft coup’ by right-wing, pro-US media and opposition groups, said of the decree that it was time to end the supply of Colombian coal which Israel was using,
to make bombs to kill Palestinian children.’
Now all of this comes following an announcement by Colombia back in June where they said they were going to suspend coal exports to Israel until the genocide in Gaza ends and now a decree making good on that promise has now been signed. Colombia is Israel’s biggest supplier of coal, over a $1bn worth a year is what this is worth to Colombia’s economy according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity, though the Times of Israel claim a figure half that, though you can imagine the Times is running damage limitation over this course of events. I’ll come back to that point of the impact on Colombia’s economy from this move in a moment, because it’s interesting. But regardless of which figure you use, this is going to cause Israel significant problems because of their reliance on fossil fuels to run their power stations.

Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on     / socialisttelly  😉
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FrayedBear 9 Aug 20

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When we have a nearly trillion dollar aggressive US military budgets compare to a 3.5 billion UN budget The Golden rule is who has the most gold.

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