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US spokesman on the atrocity of IDF attacking UN aid vehicles is described as a systemic fault needing fixing. I quite agree. The fault was caused by the British & Americans allowing the psychopathic Jews into palestine & commence their 75+ years of indoctrinating propaganda to turn so many people into psychopaths committing genocide. Do you agree or are you still under the sway of the Jewish propaganda?

The answer to the systemic problem mentioned by Robert Wood - that of Israeli Jews psychopathic behaviour is to remove the lot of them from Israel, rename it Palestine and then lobotomise the psychopathic Jews to be spread amongst world Jewry to care for them the rest of their lives.

The US & Britain need to admit & take ownership of the mistake of letting the Jews into Palestine 76 years ago.

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FrayedBear 9 Aug 31

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I have heard of the atrocities perpetrated on the Jew's many many times. I have only recently learned of the holodomor perpetrated on the Ukraine's. Over 3 million people starved to death by the Soviet Union. This was retaliation for Ukraine seeking independence. You would think that would have been bought up considering the consequences.

The majority of holodomor deaths were Ukrainian Christians not Jews. The secret police received over 2000 reports of cannibalism but believe it to have been far greater in number. A black market in human flesh existed. Children were murdered by parents for food. "The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents who resisted cannibalism died before their children did.... At least 2,505 people were sentenced for cannibalism in the years 1932 and 1933 in Ukraine, though the actual number of cases was certainly much higher." That it was Russian genocide of Ukrainians has never been proven & given the western countries antipathy of Russian communists the use of propaganda particularly by those who managed to flee Ukraine to N.America would have been considerable. Wikipedia

Interesting however@PaddyO in 76 years of undertaking genocide against the Palestinians you know little of the 100000's murdered by the Israeli Jews who through the tribal influence have controlled much of the western media. Now you simply have the IDF murdering any press core who are trying to report on the genocide.

@FrayedBear You are making an assumption that I don't know about the Israeli brutality. Just because I didn't mention it doesn't mean I approve of the Israeli's doing to others exactly what was done to them. The current situation is an atrocity of it's own. Here is America sending the Israeli's weapons and the Palestinians food. Good for both the weapons manufacturers and the farmers. How fecking hypocritical, most of the rest of the civilized world condems but the USA continues to exploit the situation. Perhaps you should consult additional materials if you think the Jews control everything on the media. Most of the shit on the chum bucket isn't worth watching. I will agree that religion can also have an effect on commerce but I don't believe "the Jews" control it all. If you haven't noted the subtle selling to the Christian you are not watching any of the ads.Have a great day it is good to question, but it's not so hot making sweeping generalizations without substantial evidence. Peace.

@PaddyO If you do not make your views known I can only assume that like most others you are ignorant of what is happening or in denial.
An alternative view is given in "This is the cleverest analysis & persuasive suggestion ever put to world Jewry & Israeli Jews in the..."


I knew it was unsafe to even say the word Zionist about 30 years ago in my entertainment and arts business. Can loose contracts over it. Today by trying to make any criticism about Jews it turns into anti sentiism law.

The cat is out of the bag..

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