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This is the cleverest analysis & persuasive suggestion ever put to world Jewry & Israeli Jews in the hope of preventing their worldwide extermination. What do you think, is Kamala Harris simply feigning Israeli support in order to blindside world Jewry into not only supporting her but in leading them, like proverbial lemmings, to their extinction?

American Professor Shahid Bolsen , erudite as ever, succinctly explains how Israel's worst enemy is the USA & how Jews need to reclaim their identity.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 4

Enjoy being online again!

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There's a little truth in every
Little lie that you tell me
A little good in all the bad
You do,

Freddie Garrity could have been talking about this guy's lecturing style when he wrote that

Shahid King Bolsen spent seven years on death row for the Murder of a German man he lured to his home on the pretense of allowing him to have sex with his maid, he then killed the man with an over dose of Chloroform. Shahid Bolsen admitted the crime but claimed he had invited the man to his home to preach to him about his sexual immorality and save his soul, but lost control of the situation. Shahid Bolsen then escaped from prison and was then recaptured and put back on death row.
After 7 years he had a charitable organisation based in the west help him make an appeal to the Abu Dabi supreme court, where he argued that the victim had been a pervert (he used online sites to meet women, that is how Bolson lured him to his home by pretending to be a willing party) and that he had tried to rape his maid, which is why Bolson had been "Forced" to Kill him.
The court on this basis over turned the death penalty changed the verdict to unintentional manslaughter and time served, releasing Bolson as a good Muslim convert and allowed him to move to Turkey.

He reached international infamy because he claims the West is the most misogynist society in the world, because they ALLOW women to have freedom, refuse to make woman property of their husbands and fathers and force them to dress immodestly.

In short he is a fucking nutter.

Def sounds like a guy I need to pay heed to.......TFP.


To think that the the United States can control and manipulate a foreign country to the point that they have no other options than to obey, is ridiculous and stupid. Blaming those who are trying to help resolve the problem is worse.

"Good and evil grow up together and are bound in an equilibrium that cannot be sundered. The most we can do is try to tilt the equilibrium toward the good." - Eric Hoffer (Author of The True Believer)


He is really good at analysis of fairness of the east and west. Even those I wouldn't live in any of the Muslims countries.

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