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LINK After Satanic event at Iowa courthouse, local leaders want to change the rules (again) -- Friendly Atheist

For the second time, a reading event sponsored by The Satanic Temple has prompted a policy change by Christians in elected office

Sep 21, 2024

(Follow above article link to read the entire article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 21

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I am a lifelong Iowan, embarrassingly, and nothing new here. Just ignorant, simple-minded, bigotedshicks doing what they always do. Why I left rural Iowa behind long ago and never looked back. It is sad and embarrassing, but not at all surprising, that the local leaders are not really any better or different than their supporters in their area. Same thing with our Repub dominated state government here. It seems like we are stuck in a time warp, where it's the 1920s again, a hundred years ago, and the Scopes trial is happening all over again, with no sense of history and nothing at all learned from back then..


From the article: "Justin Scott, an Iowa atheist who’s fought many church/state battles there, told me he was proud of the Satanists for the way they’ve handled this: “Christian Nationalists need to realize that atheists, Satanists, and other non-Christians will no longer be silenced or intimidated. We’ll continue to assert our religious freedom, loudly and proudly in the public square.” "



Trying to imagine God vs Satan in a court room. Once God starts changing minds by his miracles Then Satan says, are we going to let this jury judge. Or you and me are going to fuck around all day.

Your meds need adjusting STAT, WTF is This remark in aid of?


Christians do not get it that you cannot control things religiously and apply it to your courthouse. They also do not get it that there is no Satan. What this group is doing is leveling up the playing field. I personally do not see anything in our courthouses that has to do with Ten Commandments not any reason why it should. The concept of "thou shalt have no other gods before me" has nothing whatsoever to do with law - family, criminal, or otherwise.

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