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LINK Ryan Walters wants Oklahoma taxpayers to spend $6 million on public school bibles -- Friendly Atheist

The state's Christian Nationalist Superintendent of Public Instruction wants more money to indoctrinate kids

Sep 28, 2024

Oklahoma’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters, always looking for new ways to shove Christianity into public schools, now wants to spend $6,000,000 on New King James Version bibles for teachers across the state.

It’s not a shocking pronouncement. After all, this is the same guy who tried to force teachers to make the Bible part of their curriculum, backed a taxpayer-funded Catholic charter school (which the Oklahoma Supreme Court later declared illegal), tried to put Christian chaplains in public schools, and attempted to mandate displays of the Ten Commandments in public schools.

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 28

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Hopefully he will not get his way.


Total insanity! Bibles are for your church. As for bibles in schools a Rethug that I went to HS with once told me that bibles were used in schools as their "weekly readers." He was talking at an earlier time when they had very little amount of books but he was also apparently talking about the "weekly reader program" that started many years later. Just garbage on justifying bibles in schools.

Is a "Rethug" the opposition to a dumbocrat?


Ryan Walters is an ineducable oxygen thief.


Some people need to read the first amendment of the constitution... why not put the Quran in schools ?

Leetx Level 7 Sep 28, 2024

"Some people" can neither read nor think. 😟


That one expenditure would be the very definition of waste, fraud, and corruption.

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