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Here's a short read to particularly shake up some of the Jewish trolls on this Agnostic site who will no doubt spew bile that someone has written the truth which is contrary to their lying propaganda..

Sadly a Guardian newspaper read but I haven't time to find an alternative source. It look as if The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine by Rashid I. Khalidi (Profile Books, £11.99) already a best seller in USA will become so elsewhere in the world.
Metropolitan Books


FrayedBear 9 Oct 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Bill Maher has an Intelligent take on it, why not learn something you Need to learn!

Without an URL Anne I am unable to comprehend your whitterings. But then being another delusionist I conclude that like the other delusionist Alienbeing you are aptly described in the words of the song sung by Rudy Vallee on the Ed Sullivan show 13th February 1949 "Damned & Doomed from here to Eternity" (I wonder if the news of the Naqba had just got through to him - you haven't taken the reality in yet!)

Listen carefully to each & every word of the lyrics & realise the their applicability & truth to you & your like minded delusionists.

@FrayedBear The post is on here, with 2 links just above this one. Helpless too I see.

@FrayedBear Your reply to annewimsey500 need a slight edit. Where you said "Without an URL Anne I am unable to comprehend your whitterings", you should have said " I am unable to comprehend".

Had you typed correctly you would have sumed up your delusions very well.


A war brought on by ignorance a long time ago and going strong today. People jump into this in ways they think they can stop it. Not happening. Stopping it is up to Palestine and getting rid of Hamas. It's a big job but do it and then start again.

How about Israel simply stop the atrocities, genocide & apartheid that it has been practicing for more than 75 years?
I conclude that like the other delusionist Alienbeing you are in the words of the song sung by Rudy Vallee on the Ed Sullivan show 13th February 1949 "Damned & Doomed from here to Eternity" (I wonder if the news of the Naqba had just got through to him - you haven't taken the reality in yet!)

Listen carefully to each & every word of the lyrics & realise the their applicability & truth to you & your like minded delusionists.

@FrayedBear How about understanding that the current conflict was started a year ago by Hamas. That's the only time travel we get in this long mess.

@DenoPenno If I really wanted to I could start berating your Jewish forefathers who wrote 3000 years ago that their delusional god pomised them a greater Israel. He didn't say they could have it by inhumane behaviours of atrocities of torture, starvation, disease used as a weapon, genocide & apartheid, did he?

@FrayedBear Rudy Vallee, my grandmother's fav? ( I am 76) singing an even older college song, that's what we should be considering?

@FrayedBear As far as I know I am not Jewish, but you never know. I never knew my real father and all I had was pictures. Years ago working in a factory something came up about black people and I was asked how I would feel if I woke up one morning and god had turned me black. They didn't like my answer. It's not anything I would be worrying or crying about.

@DenoPenno but you didn't answer or refute my comment on how greater israel be obtained.

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