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Over 100 states rebuke Israel for declaring UN chief persona non grata.

Over 100 states rebuke Israel for declaring UN chief persona non grata
Published: 13 Oct 2024 | 04:16 GMT
The signatories reaffirmed their “full support and confidence” in Guterres and his commitment to “peace and security” and to “promoting respect for international humanitarian law,” calling for “meaningful dialogue” to end the hostilities and achieve lasting peace in the Middle East.[]
Israeli trolls like @Alienbeing & @AnneWimsey500 will typically say that they do not care.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Who knows where it all will end. The world has to stop feeling guilty for not coming to help Jewish people in Germany.


The last sentence of your post is partially correct. Better put, I don't care what the UN or its officers say or attempt to do. The UN lost it's credibility long ago.

Ok, I'll bite - "which part is correct in my last sentence" & what do you suggest to replace the UN? US hegemony, corruption & protection of its criminals?

@FrayedBear Thanks for once again proving you can't read with comprehension.

I don't need to again clarify what I said as respects the last sentence of your 10/13 post as I CLEARLY stated why I don't care. I'll copy and paste the reason: "The UN lost it's credibility long ago."

@Alienbeing Did USA & Israel ever have credibility other than that of the bully, the cheat & liar?

@FrayedBear Yes, however I am not surprised that you didn't know this.

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