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LINK Trump’s ribald remarks on Arnold Palmer draw scrutiny -- The Hill

By Lauren Irwin - 10/20/24

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Sunday to explain former President Trump’s ribald rally remarks about Arnold Palmer’s genitalia.

At a Saturday campaign event in Palmer’s Pennsylvania hometown, Trump praised the golfer and said, with “all due respect to women,” Palmer was a man “that was all man.”

“When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable,’” Trump said. “I had to say. We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”

Tapper asked Johnson on Sunday’s “State of the Union” if that is the message that Trump wants to share with voters with just days remaining before Election Day.

Johnson largely avoided the question until he was pressed by the anchor on Trump’s acuity and asked why Trump was talking about Palmer’s genitalia in front of Pennsylvania voters.

“Jake, you seem to like that line a lot,” Johnson said.

Tapper interjected, saying, “I don’t want to be talking about this, right? Donald Trump is out there saying it.”

Johnson said he would “address it,” and then drew a comparison between the length of Trump’s rallies and for how long he suspected President Biden could speak at a comparable event.

“There’s lines in a rally. When President Trump is at a rally, sometimes he’ll speak for two straight hours. You’re questioning his stamina, his mental acuity, Joe Biden couldn’t do that for five minutes,” Johnson said.

snytiger6 9 Oct 20

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Yes but I am 100% certain Biden ( or Harris or Waltz) would Never discuss random genitalia either.....praise gawd!


I was listening to NPR this morning, and they talked about how in Trump's talking about Arnold Palmer he used a lot of language they couldn't air. However, I think it very odd and very weird that Trump took twelve minutes to build up to the size of how humg Arnold Palmer was. Add that to his just dancing in mid speeches to gay anthems like "YMCA" or "It's Raining Men" and it scares me a bit to think that Trump may be going into a latent homosexuality, as I am gay, and quite frankly, the gay community doesn't and wouldn't want to claim him. His obsession with Palmer's endowment makes me think Trump would likely be a "bottom", meaning he's be on the receiving end of the stick. The only bright side I could see to the scenario is that the "Christian community" may finally see him as the anti-Christ, and horrified that they were duped into supporting him, if it turns out to be true.

(Just so people don't get the wrong idea, I am (mostly) joking here. Although I did tell the truth about Trump's weird and strange behavior(s). I'd definitely be so very disappointed and totally weirded out if he turned out to be gay or even bi.)

It is not just the gay community. I doubt if many on here would want to accept his obvious atheism.

@273kelvin Trump can't ,manipulate the atheists like he can the Christians. After all the Christians have been taught and conditioned all of their live to blindly accept authority without ever questioning anything.

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