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I'm guessing this was from the very early 70s. Frankly, even tho the convo with Carson was really fascinating and surprisingly intellectual, the comedy set by Carlin was pretty boring to me. When he gets away from politics and freedom of expression, his comedy is just as bland as Cosby or Seinfeld, at least to me, and not very interesting. Just my tastes, I guess.

Different jokes for Different folks. Although Carlin was voted as the best comdian of all time, by comdians.. following order.
Couldn't have been that boring.

George Carlin


Richard Pryor


Eddie Murphy

Dave Chappelle

For the time it was a totally new and funny way to look at things. Today it seems pretty passe. Carlin was still developing.

I found the conversation about how the network forbid using the name "Bruce" because it was considered a "gay name" to be pretty laughable.


The 7 words you can not say on TV.
And the greatest Bullshit story ever told.
Were a breakthrough in society.

Actually, I have heard most of those words on TV.

George Carlin was not just a comedian. He was an agent provocateur. He provoked thought.

Not every country has its First Amendment. Freedom of expression is a foundational principle of any democracy.


After all these years, I can still name the 7. Some things you don't forget. 😂

Enjoy being online again!

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