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This article exposes the big lie, with documented evidence, the federal government has pushed that the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is independent of government. Looks like Dowling has a new bull to bait?

NACC emails expose the big lie – Attorney-General Mark Dreyfuss is interfering with NACC FOI requests
By Shane Dowling on October 20, 2024


I love the tenacity of this journalist.

Originally posted to Aussie Sceptics but immediately censored by the site program & referred to community guidelines without highlighting which guideline is supposedly infringed. . . Seriously how can we correct if we don't know what is specifically triggering the supposed infringement. Furthermore this is supposedly an international forum where non American members do not enjoin in American delusions & #stupidity. . . Several hours later & the post has appeared in the Aussie Sceptics group.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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