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LINK Dear World, (An Apology From Decent Americans) John Pavlovitz Jan 10, 2025

Dear World,

We felt we needed to say something while saying something is still allowed.
We know many of you have lived under malevolent, unhinged dictators before, but this is new for us. For its history, our nation has been led by men who, despite their varying flaws and deficiencies, some of which were quite disturbing—were by and large, normal human beings. Whatever darkness in them, they had at the very least a baseline of humanity and decency that more often than not insured rational behavior.

This man is not normal.

Over recent months, we've watched long-erected pillars of our Republic bulldozed by him and his complicit cadre of ghouls and sycophants. We've seen the very hallmarks of who we are as a nation tossed in the garbage:
the celebration of diverse coexistence,
the open welcome to the oppressed,
the promise of inalienable rights for every person,
the guarantee of free and fair elections,
the same access to health and opportunity and safety afforded to everyone,
the freedom to speak without censor or restraint.
At this moment these are all in great jeopardy.

Things we took for granted in our leadership: things like goodness, wisdom, and basic truthfulness are no longer in play, and as things are eroding quickly here we wanted to let you know that we're sorry.

We're sorry that our apathy and laziness have yielded such a reckless, impulsive, small man to steward this nation.

We're sorry for the jagged, bitter ugliness that is characterizing us in these moments.
We're sorry to those suffering greatly, who have braved such peril to seek refuge here and who will be turned away and disregarded.

We're sorry to our Mexican neighbors who've been fashioned into convenient villains to justify erecting a grandiose, wasteful display of false protection that we do not want.

We're sorry to Muslims everywhere who've been used as pawns to generate irrational fear among those already susceptible to bigotry and discrimination.

We're sorry to the leaders of the world, who instead of being met by level-headed, measured, intelligent dialogue, are now greeted with the incoherent social media rantings of a perpetually-furious man-child.

We're sorry to those who now experience the Christian faith as a racist, Nationalistic bully pulpit wielded with malice toward the very diverse humanity Jesus lived and died for.
We're sorry to people everywhere whose lives are now more tenuous, more violent, less safe, less secure than they had been before.

We want you to know that this is not who we are. It may be who this man is. It may be who those sharing power with him are. It may even be the tens of millions who voted for him.

But this is not the totality of this nation. It is not the steady, strong beacon of freedom that it was intended to be. It is not the America our people have fought and died for. It is not the one first formed in the crucible of oppression and cast into the words of our ever-disregarded Constitution.

This is not the America of the tens of millions who did not vote for him and who reject him.

Our America affirms the inherent, priceless beauty of every human being.
Our America declares that no person is ascribed less value because of their pigmentation, religion, gender, financial means, sexual orientation, nation of origin, or any other variable.
Our America is home for those seeking hope and joy and rest.

And we are going to fight for this America. Through political channels and through grassroots activism, through the use of our Press and of our personal voices, we're going to expose this man's incompetence, call out his heart sickness, and condemn every violent, reckless, vicious act when it does not reflect our hearts and our will. Please do your best to disregard anything that comes from his mouth or from those loudly and continually parroting his propaganda. They have proven themselves mortally allergic to the truth.

And we hope that in whatever way you can, that you will stand with us. We know that we have made this mess ourselves. We understand that you have your own problems to contend with, some far more urgent and pressing than this, but we believe that we are a single community; that we are all tethered together in our humanity, that we are in real-time crafting the life our children and their children will inherit.

Dear World, we're sorry and we hope you'll endure these days with us.

With despair and hope in equal measure, in peace and unity with you.


Decent Americans

HippieChick58 9 Jan 10

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Sorry to be so pragmatic, if Dump and his crowd are not eliminated, expect the absolute worst---- dictators do not allow elections; there will be no election in 2028.

Yeah, I recognize that possibility. I am not confident in the next 4 years.

@HippieChick58 And I should add another bit. If Dumpy allows a vote in 2028--- and gets 99%, amazing that- how he could possibly get such a large percentage! Could he possibly have rigged the vote? Shame on me for thinking such a thing.


Thanks, Paula, for your kind words.

IMO, we Yanks will benefit by experiencing what so many in other countries have experience more recently than we have. My reasoning is too complex to explain here but our children will do what children everywhere have done — they will make democracy.

For instance, when children of five or so years insist on buttoning their own coats, they are insisting on new rights. A bit at a time, they create democracy for themselves and others.


1st time Trump was elected I put it up to "anyone can make a mistake". 2nd time around its evident a large chunk of America is quite pleased with it, so words like these are pretty much meaningless


That is a fine testimonial to the country we thought we knew. But, let the scales fall from your eyes and see... ...see that Trump is merely a crystallization of the corruption we tolerated and even worshiped. Trump may well be the tipping point, but to what? You shouldn't think that we should go back to the times of Obama or Clinton. That was the fertile soil that germinated Trump. Unless we're prepared to eminent domain the greed that perverts our government, no progress can be made. Unless we're ready to psychologically profile EVERYONE and treat them accordingly, no progress is in sight. etc.


A similar sentiment was delivered at a FFRF convention by one Amanda Taylor. I read her speech and it was moving and she received the first amendment award from FFRF. [] Part of the editorial was another report titled: BJC report. "We also need to recognize where Christian nationalism is showing up. As referenced earlier, BJC was proud to partner with FFRF to coproduce the report on Jan. 6 and Christian nationalism, which, to date, the most comprehensive accounting of how Christian natinalism both inspired and worked to intensify the attack on the capital."


However, here's my problem:too many are ready to abandon ship and let others do the fighting. Democracy has a lot of time to develop (by ups and down) and, as such has deep roots. The move today is a minority one and we all know many who voted for the present criminal and his lacky's are already regretting their vote. More and more, Musk is using his 'X' (again stupid title) to push his extreme racism and more former Twitter users and now X users are leaving. We need to and will find a replacement for twitter (which I never used) albeit one that is not so rabid as x (writ small).

After 30+ years of studying an issue that is applicable to ALL species that share a space, with limited resources, what is happening has been predicted for 200+ years and continues to demonstrate it's truth and power. No matter where one goes, on this planet natures demand for balance will reign and we humans with our supposed intelligence but destructive constant growth mantra will lose. Moving elsewhere will only make us like so many are doing yet, with our resources we will create problems for other countries who also have to obey natures rule for balance. Climate Change, species loss and almost all environmental issues are global and one cannot escape this.

This is a time for people to join forces and fight back and many states and groups are doing just that. Get involved don't run and hide.


Sounds more like rebranding to me. The United States has always used democracy and freedom as a marketing scheme to sell the American Way and this guy is using it to generate income. Sermonizing is what religious people do to put money in their pockets.

Half of the country is not sorry and the other half is befuddled and angry. We got here because America is for sale and billionaires bought it and sold the republican wet dream to true believers and church goers like this dude. We can trace the path to this end from decades of oligarchy propagandizing and overruling the will of the people. We can see the interference of autocratic governments in our elections. We know about the bomb threats and closings of polling stations and any other shenanigans the tech billionaires managed to install dear leader.

I’m not sorry either because I was powerless to stop the juggernaut and no YouTube evangelist is going to put that guilt on me. His ilk is trying to shift the blame for views and likes. I don’t buy it.

How Raleigh’s John Pavlovitz Went from Fired Megachurch Pastor to Rising Star of the Religious Left []

Just bevause it is said by a religious NJ, doesn't make the message wholly invalid.
Edit the specific christianity bit, it's, roughly, a supportable apology.

Of eligible voters: one third voted for Trump; one third didn't bother or voted third party; one third voted against Trump/for Harris.
No 'against Trump' voters are regretting their decision, ober recent weeks. That's not true for the other two thirds. Most are just quiet about it!

@LizZyG Exactly because it’s from a religious NJ whose whole product is guilt and blame, it is suspect and I’m not being gaslit into taking responsibility for something I have no control over and don’t need someone from another country lecturing me about the participation of Americans when they live in a country with mandatory voting.

I voted for Al Gore in 2000, he won, and because of Supreme Court interference, USA got crooked Bush. No one fought it then and no one’s fighting now. This one was worse because no one even mentioned it. Also, disinformation, billionaire interference and many other dirty tricks including pic included below.

Dumbing down, propaganda, sheer sexism and the religiosity of his ilk helped get us here and I’m not letting some unemployed mega church grifter, looking for views and likes, to bring in some cash, preach to and apologize for me especially on an anti religion site.



Two emergency escape preparations.

  1. Open a Canadian bank account. If you do have to flee, it is a lot easier to transfer funds if you already have a couple of hundred in Canada.
  2. Obtaining an Irish passport is very easy. All you need is an Irish grandparent, and the documentation required is not very strict. This gives you freedom of travel throughout the EU.

Actually Ireland is not a bad place for banking either.

All I need is an Irish grandparent??? Where do I buy one? My family is English, French Huguenot, and German and the latest immigrant I have was great grandmother in 1890s and great great grandparents in 1850, all from Germany. All the rest got here from late 1600s to 1700s. France stopped Huguenot repatriation before I was born. I guess I’m screwed.

When my kids were investigating moving to Europe almost 3 years ago, they considered Ireland because Son In Law's dad's family is Irish. Foy is a good Irish name. BUT to move there they would have had to ask SIL's dad to get involved, as the oldest generation of Irish in the USA. So they decided on the Netherlands instead, and have lived there since Sept 2023. They come back to the USA during the summer and at Christmas. SIL still works for his American employer, daughter works for a rather large international company that is headquartered in Amsterdam and a main office in Kiev... They have people in Kiev, it isn't pretty. Anyway, if I have to bug out I'm going to the Netherlands.

@Killtheskyfairy I thought all of you Yanks are part Irish 😉 It seems that every president (Obama excepted) comes over at some point looking for their roots.

I'm not going anywhere. I'm not ceding my country to these Bozos. I'm going to stay right here and fight the good fight. Trump and his MAGA minions can kiss my ass.

@273kelvin Yep, I'm part Irish on both sides, and some day I'll come looking at my roots.

Being English, Irish, Scotch and French, I hope to make it to Europe some day and see the landscape through my ancestor's eyes, breathe the air and listen to the voices.

As far as moving to Europe or Canada, probably not for me, though my daughter can see Canada from her back yard and the Canadians I know are sure nice!

@Julie808 I did say that this was an emergency measure. I think the football stadiums are liable to be full of immigrants at 1st but if you are a political activist, you might want to take some precautions for your family's sake.

@273kelvin I'm not going to give up my little piece of paradise that easy. I'm being watchful regarding some extremists who are beginning to infiltrate my peaceful place though. Proud Boy types -- I tried to post about it on this site for advice, but my comments were removed. So far my strategy is to just keep being kind to them, show them we can all get along together on this rock even if our views differ, and they'll leave me alone.

@Julie808 This site is pretty well fucked, you cannot post in most of the groups. I put this down to neglect rather than bias as no posts left or right have made it onto politics since October.

@273kelvin Well I do post and they seem to show up for all to see for a short while, but then disappear and my post count goes back down. I do miss the liveliness this site had for a while, and the frank answers to my questions. I must be asking the wrong questions lately.


Sometimes just surviving is rebellion enough, but I think that Decent Americans will do even more.

It may be a long march, and your feet will bleed, but I have confidence that the basic goodness and strength of the USA will get you there in the end.


You have a big task in front of you.

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