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Movie night! What is your favorite drama?

Mine is Jean de Florette (1986) 🌼 Most people I meet have never heard of it and I love showing it to them. Must have watched it 15 times now.

I am in the mood for something amazing to watch, suggestions?

robdowney 5 May 11

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yes I liked Jean de Florette - I would reccomend 'Kicks' a film based in Liverpool by Lindy heymann and Leigh Campbell

I loved "Jean de Florette" but you have to be able to watch "Manon of the Spring" to see how it ends!


One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest

I was watching that a couple years back and almost didn't recognize Danny Devito! He was so young and wacky in that film. Epic flick.

In my DVD's for sure...."


Well, the film that comes immediately to mind is Schindler's List. I love watching Schindler's transition from profiteer to humanitarian. In the end he is agonizing over how he could have liquidated things to save more people. I lose it every time I watch that.

Last night, I watched an Adam Sandler movie. One of his best, I think. 50 first Dates. This is not your typical Sandler fare. While it has some of his juvenile humor in it, the story focuses on the romance between him and Drew Barrymore, a car accident victim with short-term memory loss who forgets everything she experienced the day before when she falls asleep at night. I've seen this film several times, but watched it last night and it made my cry. More than once. LOL! Another film that makes me lose it is Toy Story 3. Yes, you read that right.

I can't stand Adam Sandler. The same goes for Will Ferrell.

@GuyKeith For some reason I didn't like Will Ferrell either, until his cameo in Wedding Crashers. He's cleaning up crashing funerals now!


Probably an old Paul Newman movie that I saw in my youth called Cool Hand Luke....and the line that has always stuck in my mind and so relatable to me at the time...."What we have here is a failure to communicate".

RonB Level 5 May 15, 2018

"Dear Boys: Playin' it cool. Luke." My sons middle name is Luke, I am familiar with the movie! LOL

Great movie; studied it in film class during my college years.

One of my all time favs. Fav line is " I wish you'd quit being so good to me, Captain".




Run, Lola, Run.


It’s better in German.

I couldn't believe what a trip that movie was. I didn't expect to like it however it was really good.


"The Taking of Phelam 1,2,3." The Walter Matthau one, not the crappy John Travolta one.

Oh man Robert Shaw is in that too! He is the best, i'm in.


My Cousin Vinny

I wanted to like your comment twice! 👍 👍 One of my favorites, and hard to define as a single type of movie.

Drama? LOL!

Not exactly a drama, but one of my favorite movies. When that PA started stuttering my wife laughed so hard I thought she would pass out.


Another one would be, 'Delicatessen'...

That was somewhat disturbing LOL Guy had great rhythm though of the funniest movies I ever saw with a great cast too.


The Blues Blues Brothers

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses....

You better think! It's not a drama.


Cool Hand Luke!!!!!

My son's middle name is Luke, I have seen it 🙂 Haven't watched it with him yet however, time to find my dvd so we can watch it together.


The Godfather, Parts 1 & 2


The game... i hope i never have to play it.

Great movie! Haven't seen it in years.

@SpikeTalon. If you ever get to see this movie it will sake your insides.
Watch "The Game (9/9) Movie CLIP - Happy Birthday, Nicky (1997) HD" on YouTube


Inherit the Wind with Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly. Loved Gene in this one of his very few non-musical roles!


Saturday night is all about cheesy Sci Fi on Svengoolie. Although tonight is a good movie, The Blob. The real one with Steve McQueen.

I remember the old Blob movie but I didn't think Steve was in it. Old Harvey Mushman (his fake name used to enter a motorcycle race without anyone knowing it was him) is my hero. Now let's see if I can find this on youtube or a streaming service.

Oh yes and Anita Corseult, not sure of the spelling, Helen Crump from Mayberry.


The Lion in Winter. My favorite movie of any type.


Love Sunset Boulevard, also Dangerous Liaisons


Sunset Boulevard or I want to live.

I love Sunset Blvd

Great movie. The ending was unbelievable.


Ordinary People or American Beauty.


I'm a fan of Jean de Florette, also. Along with it sequel. Great watched together.

You MUST watch Manon of the spring! It completes the story. Most dvd's you buy have both movies, just flip the disc over and watch the conclusion of the amazing story.


The English Patient. I can watch this movie any time. The character Hana resonated with me so much.

Another one for my list. I love her hair, she is stunningly beautiful even when they try to make her look disheveled.


A film that made a huge impression on me was 'Three Colours: Blue'.

I caught it by accident and was hypnotised. I couldn't watch it again because it's too depressing, but various scenes, like the scene where an old woman struggles to put a bottle in a bottle bank stayed with me.

Is this the 3 part movie Blue, White, Red? Can't think of the director's name, he's French. Each movie was interconnected in a way and Juliet Binoche was in them


Yes. You're right. I didn't like the other two films. The 'Blue' one stands out. I don't think Juliet Binoche is in the other two films.

Very art house looking. The musical score, even in the clips of the movie on youtube are so dramatic. Added to my list, thanks!


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. This movie is on my top 10 movies of all time. The ending was simply devastating.

I agree. It's a dazzling film and Elizabeth Taylor is magnificent in it.

I still don't understand what the title means though.

@Ellatynemouth We really don't know. The actors are laughing to some inside joke that the audience is not privy to. There are theories, but no one really knows.

@ProudMerry Yes, I read that too, but the article I read stated that was just a theory, and we don't really know. Regardless, the movie is a masterpiece and I think Liz Taylor's best work. Marriage = Death by 10,000 cuts in that movie.


Thank you for your reply. That's useful. I still don't understand it fully. It seems like a nod to academia (who's afraid of academia?) but being afraid of the truth makes more sense. I suppose someone would need to know about Virginia Wolf a little first to get it.


I don't normally watch movies, but I am going to watch Shutter Island this weekend. Yes, I'm a little bit behind. One movie I LOVED the first and second time was Sixth Sense. After that, it doesn't seem necessary to watch it again. But I had to read Shutter Island twice. I love books and movies where the entire reality of everything changes and you have to go back and read/watch again to see the clues.

However, the one movie I could probably watch a million times and never get sick of it? Casablanca. I know, not too original, but there's a reason everyone loves it so much. And if that weren't available? Tombstone. Then the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and then I don't really care about other movies.

Casablanca is so good! My daughter is 12 and I am waiting for her to reach an age where she will be able to get the most out of watching it, can't wait to watch with her. Sixth Sense was solid and I liked Shutter Island, never read the book though. Tombstone is THE BEST western. You have great taste in movies 🥳


To Kill A Mockingbird … I see how much time can go by before watching it again..

Varn Level 8 May 12, 2018

That is definitely on my list of movies to watch.

@robdowney you must, and soon, it's amazing!

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