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Favorite Author? Just one!

For me, Gabriel García Márquez. I have had many most favorites over the years and binged them all but Gabo has spoiled me for the rest. I re-re-read him and am now struggling to read the originals in Spanish

TravelinTom 5 May 13

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Just one? Impossible, I say. Even trying to pick one reminds me of eight others I like.

So, instead let me tell you a story about the guy that I would tell you is my favourite author, if I had to pick just one.

Many many years ago, back in the early 90s, there was this guy that I got to know in a group of friends, mostly online (but many of us have met IRL). Charlie was just this guy.

Years later, I learn that Charlie writes books. No big deal, really, as a lot of people write books. Quite a few of my friends do some sort of writing, and in my more ambitious moments, I fancy myself a bit of a writer myself. I used to run a bookstore, and never had trouble finding local authors to do in-store appearances. Doesn't mean any of them (us) are any good.

So, I am living near Colorado Springs, and I get a call from my buddy, a mutual friend of Charlie's. He says Charlie is going to be in town, he's going to the Sci-Fi/comic/geek convention, and I want to go hang out with him (Charlie)?

Sure, I said, always up for a good time. But Charlie lives in Scotland. Why would he come all the way to Colorado for some no-name convention?

Oh, my buddy says, he's the guest of honour.

Yep, ends up the not only is Charlie Stross a writer, he's a darn good one. Multiple award winning, quite the following (especially in the UK). But to me, he had just been Charlie.

So, go seek out Charles Stross. I suggest starting with Jennifer Morgue, the first book in that specific series. If you like it, PM me and ask for other recommendations. Or just grab another book, because I think you can't go wrong.

Ozman Level 7 May 13, 2018

Yep Charles Stross is a great writer.

The first book I read of his was Halting State, whichnon the surface is highly amusing but beneath is actually very serious.

And I totally agree that The Laundry series is a good place to start with his work. Great fun. Lovecraftian techno spy thrillers? Definitely different

@R3ddragon70 Good choice. And great point on the Laundry series. I like that they are expanding characters, so we get more than just Bob stories. I love Bob (and Mo), but it's nice to have fresh books that don't overburden those characters.

I came late to the Merchant Princes series, and I think the politics would have been better "in the moment", but I like where the new books are going,


Jon Krakauer. "Under the Banner of Heaven" is an incredible expose of the Mormon . A must read.


Dan Brown was fun to read. I read all of his books in a week. I couldn’t put them down.


Roger Zelazny


David Eddings

DEsk Level 4 May 13, 2018

Barbara Kingsolver


Tom Holland.

Great non-fiction!

@TravelinTom. Hi Tom, Rubicon was my favourite of his so far,...thrilling non-fiction,..he makes history so much more fun.


Today... I think it would be Thomas Perry, who wrote the Butcher's Boy series and the Jane Whitefield series. May favorite author changes dependign on my mood.


For me it's Tim Winton


Your pick is quite good. I like him too. My favorite new author is Ira White. Other than that, it's a tie between Kurt Vonnegut and Mark Twain.


Currently, Richard Kadrey for pure entertainment reading. Can't wait for the next Sandman Slim novel in August!


At the moment it would be Matthew Reilly, just the right blend of fantasy/sci-fi and edge of the seat action


Isabel Allende


Patrick Rothfuss


Carl Sagan


Arthur C. Clark.


Michael Crichton.


Lois McMaster-Bujold


Robert A. Heinlein got the ball rolling for me. You never forget your first.


Too many. Can't do it.


Gaaaah! I can't name just one!


Nadeem Aslam or Marilyn Robinson

Gmak Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

Brandon Sanderson


Iain Banks, by the shortest of noses.

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