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What are your nervous ticks?

When I get really nervous, I play with the scar on my head.

RandyMoose 7 May 15

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Smooth, heavy hair running through my fingers feels sensual and soothing.

I've played with my hair since childhood. Twirling a strand of hair is an absent-minded habit.

p.s. It's called a nervous "tic," not a "tick." (


Checking out studs, like you.


I'm a pen clicker or pick at my cuticles. I also laugh inappropriately.


Mine is being chatty. I get really chatty when all I really want to do is suck that cock or ravish someone. Especially a cutie like you.


Pretty rare I get nervous, but I get motionless and quiet when I do.


Pacing up and down incessantly when I'm on an important phone (or so I'm told). Does this count..since I am not aware that I am doing it?


I fidget with my hands. Wring them....don't know what to do with them, try to find something to hold and fiddle with.

I also tend to push up my glasses a lot.

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