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We're really excited to announce a bunch of new ways to help you meet other members. If you like what you're seeing, please tell your friends about our community.

Here are few of the new features:

Chat rooms

Since it was one of the top requests in our January survey of things to do, well, it’s live. Group owners can now schedule a chat room for their members. If you’re on a computer and one of your group’s chat rooms is live, the small “Chat” icon on the top bar will turn yellow to let you know. You can see which groups have chat rooms here: []

Map view

Agnostics are everywhere and this map proves it! You can now browse our members on a map. Scroll, zoom, and hover over pins to view members. You can select which members you want to see and even click the browse button to view all in that region. You can get there from the “Meet” button or here: []

Pin posts in groups and events

This for group and event moderators to keep a post at the top of the group posts. To pin a post, click the “Options” button and select “Pin to top”. To unpin, just do it again.

Toggle who can contact you by messenger

Getting too many messages from people outside your desired area? You can now remove your “Send Message” button on your profile by setting toggles on your settings page: []

Improved messenger

You might have noticed that we’ve updated the messenger to make it easier to use on your phones and apps. You can see and switch between all your conversations by click on the “3 horizontal buttons” button at the top of the screen.

Now that we have some of these larger projects live, we will spend the next couple of weeks polishing the site, fixing bug, etc. We will also create a new survey to get your feedback on direction ideas.

Best wishes!

Admin 9 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

Create your free account

30 comments (26 - 30)

Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


You are the man Admin dude!


Wow, good stuff! Thanks!!


Being new, I have no idea what it was like but like what I see at this point.



Betty Level 8 May 16, 2018

,,,nice info for..."this is first smart phone"
like me?

Please feel welcome to join "Non-nude sexy pics"

@FrayedBear ...I just don't want to
hit the wrong button- might launch
a missle?️. THANXwill get it

@BBJong Pressing on the purple writing saying "Non-nude sexy pics" takes you to the group. I've messaged you a brief piece on tips for navigating on site.
Lol, here you will always be having missiles and mussels taking off or responding! C'est la vie. When you find that you can no longer tolerate someone's seeming stupidity, impatience, ignorance, cognitive dissonance just block them. End of irritation!

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