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Do you expect an award when you’ve done a good deed?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 17

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Nope! The reward was being able to do it!


I'm beyond good and evil at this point I do what I do because I do. If that makes sense


Yes. Dopamine, serotonin, you know, no good deed is without compensation.


No. I don't even tell people all about all my good deeds on social media. Lol


Other than from my own brain? Nope.


If you expect a reward you are doing it for the wrong reasons

GwenC Level 7 May 17, 2018

Never,the deed itself is the reward


No. It is its own reward.


Not really, but if someone offered me a dozen donuts for a good deed, l wouldn't turn them down. ☺


This is entirely subjective. It depends on the magnitude of the deed to me. Did you find a cure for cancer? If yes then recognition/reward should be provided. However small deeds like completing extra tasks at work, not so much


No , it depends i find it more rewarding to do good when others don't know who helped them.

Getting an award is like attention seeking in some ways your not doing it to do good but for what you can get out of it.

That’s what I always thought. That’s one reason why I always hated people telling me god will bless you for doing good deeds.

That’s kinda how I feel. Some (a lot of) people can’t do something good without posting it to Facebook. I mean, it’s great that you helped someone, but just shut up about it now!!


No. I don't expect so much as a thank you. Nice when I get one, but that's not why I do good deeds. I do good deeds to do good deeds, because I like being the kind of person who does good deeds because they needed doing.


No, for what?

Just do a good deed because you actually give a damn.

Exactly!!! Bingo!!!


I never expect anything...


Never expected but nice to be offered by the recipient of the good deed. Depending on the situation can be accepted or refused.




No that would detract from doing the deed.


Never have and never will. This might sound corny, but the feeling of helping someone is good enough for me. If I do something good for someone, I'd prefer it stays between me and that person or people.


I would hope not...good deeds are done for my own personal satifaction...not to be broadcast


No. The intrinsic feel of doing good is the best.

DEsk Level 4 May 17, 2018

It'd be nice.


Good deed?..... i dont.
Well... sometimes im hopefull that my good deeds could start a change of ideas. Sometimes when i cook out side i bring my neighbors a few pieces of meat. One of my neighbors brings me something now and then. The other doesnt. Its ok that they don't but everyone is different.

Good job.


You get one. Doing good things make you feel good.

KenG Level 6 May 17, 2018

No. There are times when I made sure no one knew who did the deed.


Absolutely not.


No. "Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest." Georgia Lass, 'Dead Like Me'

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