Since I now have my mom with me, I ask her last week what would she like for a holiday Gift. First she says nothing. I was like MOTHER! It has to be something you would like! She thought about it for a minute and then she said A RING! I was like ok so what kind of RING? She replied diamonds and white gold. So I stop at the mall on the way home from work and I find a ring I like. Problem is, I have never bought my mom or any woman jewelry before. I have attached a picture of the ring. Please let me know if you think it is appropriate for a mom. Yes the diamonds are real and the ring is white gold not silver. THANKS!
I say Kudos to your mom, she raised a good son, a son who listens. Tell your mama for me that I think she did good!!
To be honest she has what she needs, a loving son. You opened your home to her. When she said nothing I'll bet she meant it and only acquiesced, because you insisted. The ring you pick out will be awesome and she knows that it came with love. It's not the size,amount of money, or anything else, but the gesture of love.
I totally agree with the first part and last sentence of your sentiment.
It is what she asked for and I'm sure she would love it.
Why oh why,,, can't you be older and straight... DAMN you !! LOL #bestsonever
Here is my advice, only take the advice of the women commenting on this.
It’s like a bond between mother and son. It’s a great gift for your momma. I’m sure she will love it.
I think the ring is more black and blue, not white gold.
...sorry... I'll see myself out...
I am sure she will love it, there is always a bond between you! I glad you took the time to realise it! Hugs to both of you
Sounds like you were listening to what she said she wanted. It's pretty, and it's coming from you. It's likely she'll love it. What other people think about "connotations" is irrelevant. This is only about the gift you want to give your mother. Nothing else matters.
Its a lovely ring. Just make sure its the right size.
I hope she loves it but isn't that something you should choose yourself? looks good to me.
I know I am on the minority here but I speak from my experience.
When I proposed to my partner I gave her a ring. We had a long distance relationship for a year (she lived in TX and I in Seattle). She was a private school director and knew all the families one of whom was a jeweler. When she came for her next visit she had a different ring than what I gave her. She said she didn't really like the one I had gotten and the jeweler parent got her a better ring as a direct trade-off. When we told this story to other women they would always gasp. How could she do such a thing? I think jewelry is often seen as a sign of possession-ship. It should absolutely not. I would never presume that I know what kind of jewelry or clothing would please another (often they themselves don't know this until spending time looking). I was actually proud that this woman felt comfortable enough to say and do as she wished (we would never and did not spontaneously give each other anything unless we were absolutely sure). BTW years later we discovered our rings were a hindrance. We did a lot of work with our hands and would take off the rings and set them aside, and then forget where they were. This became such a stressful situation we both put the rings away.
Sometimes, we need to question cultural norms because they often send the wrong message. The terms "Diamonds are a Woman's best friend" was made for corporate profits and we seem to constantly fall victim to corporate spin.