We are all guilty.
Method #6: Don't read something that is obviously nonsense, or disingenuous.
Method #7: Pay attention to what is being said to you, not what you may take from it.
Method #8: No, you don't need to read the whole thing, you just need to read with accurate acquisition of what is being told.
Method #9: Don't read stuff from the gutter. Your upper league universities not only have much more reputation, but search engines for 100% professionally written, honest and up to date material are all over the internet.
Yes, we all need to be aware of the confirmation bias phenomena when we interact in the social world. The recommended approach seems to best fit for individuals that are analyzing raw data; scientist attempting to prove a theory. The suggestions would be useful in that context, but It would be much more difficult to apply as a way to avoid the social blinders we subconsciously wear when we see support for our social position and are blind to evidence that doesn’t support our position. The cure in situation may be as simple as starting each day with a confirmation bias recognition pledge of sorts. A personal promise to see the world a little bit clearer and complex ?
Interesting that the example is from accounting where history and normative formats are generally required. Of course how something is filled out per General Accounting Principals or for the Internal Revenue Service can vary greatly, but both support each other, and some what limit the effects of confirmation bias. Although the figures are what they are there is still plenty of wiggle room for a sharp accountant to present the information.
Most issues present themselves over time, it is very difficult to see issues in year they occur.
I need to pick my cognitive biases book up again. I'm still on chapter 2.