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LINK DeVos Demands Taxpayer Money For Religious Schools

Don’t turn your back on this one. She has the power to do some real damage.

AmiSue 8 May 22

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Betsy DeVos is dangerous to America.




I hope she plans to include funding for all religious schools... including Muslim schools.

Duke Level 8 May 22, 2018

First of all... she is a C*nt of epic proportions.
Now, on to the meat of her astoundingly reprehensible suggestion that we change the Constitution on her say so.
I can agree that our Constitution could use a good revamping, but she wants to move it in the wrong direction, backward about 100 years.

I wonder what her stance would be on overturning the right to bear arms.
I mean, if we're going to shit on the Constitution, let's shit on the whole damn thing, right?

There is an obvious agenda here, the righties insist that the US is a christian nation because there are a shit-ton of them living here. They know this isn't the case and they have a problem getting around that pesky First Amendment.
They're not going to stop pushing for it, the clear objective here is a state church.

The end goal here is a Theocratic Plutocracy. We already have the Plutocracy.


Screw that!

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