Most atheist and agnostics can really care less what they believe in. We just, for the most part, don’t want them trying to force their beliefs down our throats and have the Ten Commandments hung up in the court houses and the constant threats to non-believers or anybody that don’t share their faith. They get their feelings hurt and cry persecution when people question and try to be reasonable and point out illogical things. Tell me I’m not the only one who feel like this.
I must admit that Christian heaven sounds pretty hellish to me.
I've never figured out what christians really envision when they think of heaven. Now Mormons, they have it laid out in detail & boy is it crazy!
@Carin When I was a Christian I thought heaven would be something absolutely beyond understanding and comprehension... a state of knowing what God is while being simply consumed by love.
@Carin : Scientologists. Now that's crazy! Their Heaven is literally out of this world.
@pryan That actually sounds very pleasant! Wish I could believe something like that.
They are also trying to rewrite our national history with claims we were established as a Christian nation and trying to rewrite our laws and impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us as a result. Look at the fact that political candidates must claim Christian lifestyles in order to get elected, never mine they tend to be crooks.
@twill Wow, whack a mole? that is scary but I guess I should not be surprised. They may actually get their way and have those signs with God We trust posted on the schools walls even though it goes against the constitution. I can't wait for the day when we non believers are strong enough in numbers to counter such nonsense.
If you look at our history, we were indeed founded by "christians" mostly Protestants running away from the Church of England. The early writings (Constitution, Bill Of Rights and Declaration Of Independence) all have God backing them up. Every where in government there is reference to God as why we enter into wars and do most anything we do as a country.. Sucks, but there it is...
@Lazarus Take another look at those that wrote our constitution. Most despised Christianity and concerns from non Christian ( i.e. Jews, Muslims, et.) at the time needed to be taken into account, (see Jefferson papers) and the section regarding the separation of church and state was indeed modeled aftr what Massachuestts had already put into place. Yes we had a dominate Christian populace but they were not the writers. They did not craft the documents on which our laws and governement were guided by.
@Lazarus Take another look at those that wrote our constitution. Most despised Christianity and concerns from non Christian ( i.e. Jews, Muslims, et.) at the time needed to be taken into account, (see Jefferson papers) and the section regarding the separation of church and state was indeed modeled aftr what Massachuestts had already put into place. Yes we had a dominate Christian populace but they were not the writers. They did not craft the documents on which our laws and governement were guided by.
As I often say, fundamentalism isn't about being good, it's about being right.
Suggest that a fundamentalist is mistaken, and it's an existential threat.
Hence, they feel beset, besieged and persecuted merely by someone declining to agree with them. Much less actively disagreeing, or debunking.
It turns them all into persecution whores, in part because their holy book promises them persecution, so aside from being a threat, it is a validation.
It's actually much worse than you think (their hypocrisy). They whine persecution while making greater and greater inroads into the Federal government (thanks Trump!). They are directly attacking the wall of separation between State and church. It is truly terrifying, in my opinion. You definitely are not the only one who feels this way.
Yeah, but for the average Christian, being denied the ability to proselytize IS (or amounts to) persecution. I don't remember the exact quote - I think Sam Harris said something along the lines of: when one believes - really, truly believes in a magical skydaddy - one cannot just walk idly by and not say something when one sees people commit a sin.
And it makes sense. It you had a cure for cancer, and you saw people with cancer around you, you'd want to shove that cure down their throats, too...
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people
Spot on.
"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people"
Stealing! ?
Feel free to steal it - if was originally said by one of the brightest minds of our generation: Dr. Gregory House
Typically hypocritical is what they are..i totally agree
Glad to know I’m not alone. Lately I’ve been hearing them left and right saying they are being persecuted.
@EmeraldJewel you have many people that feel the same as you do
It is baffling how they imagine themselves persecuted when they are over 80% of the population in this country.
Are Baptists persecuting Methodists or something?
#Christians NO, you're not the only one who feels like you do. Agree. They seem to espouse love and tolerance but are the first to criticize and condem anyone who dosen't buy there trip lock stock and cockroach. They are the epitome of double standards.
This has always confused me! But, they understand perfectly, how everyone not of their kind is doomed! Where is the love and compassion practiced by Jesus? I guess examples don’t count!
That whole give yourself to me and your soul will live forever, is so chessy!
Taking away their privileges feels like persecution to them.
Or infringement on THEIR right to call other people out, where they see THEIR God’s law not followed! Like, if there were a would not need human help!
Wouldn't we just call that giving the rights back to those whose rights were being infringed upon?
Persecution is the funniest prediction to me. Yeah, I made this up and people are challenging me on it, so hard to predict they will gig you for being gullible.
O no you are not the only one. The Christian Right if very aggressive in their pursuit of infecting our government with their version of Christianity and morality. There are still states where they will not allow you to run for office if you are an atheist. And you are right they are the first to cry “foul” if they are at the least presented with an alternative argument or challenged on their encroachment into our government. Just in my area of Arizona within a five mile radius there are at least 20 churches.
I think they are all secretly sadists.
Anyone that can go along with a doctrine that teaches eternal Hell Fire and torment is in fact a sadist.