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Do you like for people to remember or celebrate your birthday or is it just another ordinary day?

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just another day


Nah, it doesn't mean anything to me.


Just another day really, but it could be the last so I don't mind well wishes.


Mine means nothing anymore. My son’s is everything.


I think my birthday should be a a national holiday. 😉 I didn't travel 584 million miles (around the sun) for nuttin'.


Everyday is an ordinary day. You need a calendar to assert that any of them are special.


Who wants to celebrate growing old and approaching ones certain demise?

Ikr! Half the time I’m hoping people forget so I don’t have to be reminded.


It used to be really important to me. Now it's more important to my daughter as I always book the day off work so we can do some fun things together.


For me,just another day,no family or wife now to celebrate with,no special diners or other activities,days crossed off the calendar.....


I haven't celebrated my birthday or any holiday in years. In this day and age with income inequality and poverty and shit I cannot justify making the people in my life feel obligated to spend money they don't have on me just because my parents made a mistake. I mean really. Humans as a whole are a cancer to this earth. Celebrating the birth of them seems crazy honestly.


I don't make a big deal about it. Nice to be remembered but not necessary. I've found to have little to no expectation, and then I'm happy with the outcome.


At my age, another successful journey around the sun calls for opening a good bottle of zinfandel with the wife.


Not that important


No big deal. That I have survived 79 of them was great.


No big deal. That I have survived 79 of them was great.

Your 79?


Naw! Im ok with not having a party. Those days are gone.


When I was growing up I liked my birthday more than any holidays. Even though my birthday is just weeks before Christmas it was MY day. It was the only day I really felt that people saw me -- I felt pretty invisible most of the rest of the time.
This year, when I turn 70, I am having a decadent party for a small group of friends at a restaurant with an open bar and me paying for everything. Their presents to me will consist only of sharing the evening with me and emailing me a memory of us together that I can put into a scrapbook. I'll still celebrate after this one, but this is the big blowout. I'm even making people dance!!


When you get to a certain age another birthday is just another day but it is nice that my children always remember and make a fuss that I have hung around for another year I also appreciate the after shave chocolates sox and jocks that come my way.


I celebrate my kids birthdays, but mine where not great growing up so I learned to hate the day. I get irritated every year when my mother remembers to call me to wish me a happy birthday... I let my kids and husband tell me, but that's about it.


It's another day to me.


It's just another insignificant day to me.


I am more concern with being here for the next several ones.

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