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QUESTION Atheists don't have no songs!

...until now.

skado 9 Dec 18

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Years ago I wrote in spanish a song translated to "the cross and the sword". that was the only options given to the natives of the caribbean by the Spanish Invasion, discovery, etc, etc, etc. Link for those than can understand spanish.


And no one has yet mentioned Tim Minchin?


That was great comedy.


not sure how to post a link here, but this guy is funny.



Dear God by XTC


"We have Sunday's free ... to watch football in our underpants." Perfect!

godef Level 7 Dec 18, 2017

OMG that is awesome!

"Dear God" by XTC?

"God" by Tori Amos?

This reminds me of Adam Sandler recording his carol for Hanukkah! MOAR ATHEIST SONGS!

good song by XTC

@godef XTC has a lot of good songs. The chief songwriter and leader of the band, Andy Partridge, is an atheist.

@balou Makes sense. I had a few of their albums.


"Imagine" by John Lennon! Not only "a song" but IMO a profound view of the utopia we could achieve, set to lovely music.

Popped into my head straight away. It is the atheists' anthem, if ever there was one.


"Dont Worry Be Happy "
And , it's only 3 chords on tthe ukelele....


Not for this ‘time of year.’ I’ve always thought it would be a great money-maker for an atheist (or agnostic) organization to come out with a ‘secular solstice’ CD or something … though I don’t know if anyone buys CD’s anymore… I’ve one CD I’ll put on about now that doesn't have any religious BS songs on it.

Varn Level 8 Dec 18, 2017 how’d I miss the link part.. So, where was his banjo? 😉

no banjo LOL.

I heard a song on the jazz station I listen to and am a member, KRTU in San Antonio, Tx. Its by Miles Davis and I'm not sure of the artist who sings on it but it's called Blue Xmas and it makes fun of a lot of things that represent the holidays.


Gotta love Steve Martin!


LMAO! ROFL! Good one @skado. So many good lines.... watch football in their underpants! Lol
Thank you, thank you! Still laughing!


Wow, that was funny! I just posted this to Facebook. 🙂

I did too! Hilarious. 😀

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