It appears that posting amusing memes as well as links to interesting articles is perfectly fine. Am I correct in thinking this is the case? I would like to create a group about psychology and neuroscience as they relate to religious thought and belief in the supernatural, anomalistic psychology. I was unable to find a group quite like what I have in mind. I have access to plenty of articles on these topics. I believe many people here would find them highly interesting. I certainly do. I wonder if I could also upload documents somehow. Unfortunately my wizard level isn't advanced enough for me to start a group quite yet.
Also , I have plenty of funny memes that poke fun at religion. Anyway, what do people feel would be off limits? Yes, I did look over the tutorial, including the section on etiquette.
You will have to wait a bit to form your own group, but if you join "Memes R Us" & post & comment you'll get to level 4 rather quickly & then will be able to start your own. It does sound interesting. I have a group, [] , that will be happy to take anything you think is interesting until you get yours started!
Oh yes. Please come to memes r'us.We're a fun bunch and enjoy new members take on things.