I consider myself a fair person, and I admit that I watched and loved Roseanne when it was on 20 years ago. Even though Ms. Barr lost her damn mind over the years I watched the reboot and actually was able to separate the troll from the show...but this morning I was done. Now I see that ABC stepped up and did the right thing before I could boycott the show...bravo! One time money didn’t get in the way of what’s right. Hear that, NFL?
I can't imagine what Roseanne was smoking, but I am saddened by the whole thing. The Roseanne Conner as a Trump supporter premise could have been enlightening and healing--maybe even more than ALL IN THE FAMILY's Nixon supporting Archie Bunker.
@Countrycuz666 Him and Bush Sr we the last republican presidents that were not knob heads. Why do you pick such idiots? Reagan was not the sharpest of tools in the box even before he went senile. Bush Jr had burnt half his brain cells decades before on booze and coke. Are there no decent candidates in the GOP? You only have to say the word "Trump" anywhere around the world now to get a laugh. Who are you going to pick next, Kim Kardasian?
@Countrycuz666 We have a similar type of guy but from the left, Cobyn who nearly got in. He commands the same kind of fervor from his supporters. Not sure that Trump would have beaten a better candidate.
As for comments, seeing as 80% of yanks don't own a passport and would be hard pressed to name more than 2 world leaders, that is no biggie. Also Trump is never off the news. I can't look at my FB feed without at least 2 stories regarding investigations or mad tweets.
I don't own an umbrella but the weather here never takes out houses. Good luck in denying climate change.
@Countrycuz666 It is a common mistake to confuse climate with weather. Each year we are getting record breaking extreme weather events. A strong indication of climate change. Rather like an athlete suddenly getting really fast really quickly would be an indication of performance enhancing drugs. The US is getting more and bigger hurricanes every year but you can put your fingers and say la la la till your house blows down.
@Countrycuz666 Car jacking is not that popular in the UK. We don't let any idiot own a gun so illegal ones are expensive and quite hard to get. Though I live in an inner-city area and there are the occasional shootings. It is far less dangerous than say being a school child in the US. Besides that, not being in need of a penis extension. So I doubt if anyone would bother to jack my car.
"Roseanne's(TRUMP's) Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show" Can you guys please cancel trump too?
If only it were that easy!
Elections are coming. Help your local candidates out, and let's get this embarrassment of a President some meaningful opposition in Congress.
Didn't take long for Wanda Sykes and Sara Gilbert to distance themselves from that train wreck. John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf are likely relieved this is over and won't hurt their careers. I must say I'm relieved too, that a Trumpster lost her soapbox. Now, pretty much anything Roseanne says, on anything, people will be thinking "Oh, look. It's that famous racist who can't keep her yap shut." A disgraced disgrace.
Couldn't happen to a nicer racist bigot.
@Countrycuz666 Blow it out your ass, and I spelled it correctly.
This woman has turned into nothing but a racist bigot. Good for ABC, they did the right thing.
Personally I think Roseanne is mentally ill. Nothing new, I have heard her speak of her childhood, screwed up and she never had therapy. Has gotten worse over the years. ...conspiracy theories...delusions.
Lots of people have mental illness and aren't racists. Lots of people are racist and don't have a mental illness. I don't think the two are any more related than whether or not people with mental illness like brussel sprouts
@MsDemeanour But she IS mentally fucked up!!
I watched the show way back when, and liked the writing, but never, ever though she was funny, especially doing stand-up. The disingenuous smile during her whiny delivery was the perfect compliment to her childish material.
This was long before I discovered that she was a bigoted, racist transmisogynist, which became evident in her "run" for the presidency. I will never watch anything with her in it.
She's an idiot who could never control herself. I feel bad for all the people employed by that show. They all just lost their jobs because of her.
Roseanne once described HERSELF perfectly, though I can’t remember the source: “White Trash with money”❗️?
@Countrycuz666 AGAIN, Roseanne described HERSELF this way...
@Ungod Rosanne presumably is an actress and the show called for a trashy character. She wasn't playing Ophelia. I don't know how broad her acting skills are.
@MsDemeanour - It’s no secret Roseanne is playing herself...
But her rendering of The Star-Spangled Banner was mint.
I will never understand how social conservatives could overlook her screeching, spitting, vagina-grabbing mockery of the national anthem, but get so upset at Colin Kaepernick kneeling that lifelong NFL fans burned their (quite expensive) season tickets and fan gear. What could possibly be the difference between Roseanne Barr and Colin Kaepernick?
(Read that last question with a sarcastic tone of voice, by the way; the answer is rather obvious.)
@ErikGunderson Nothing conservatives do ever surprises me now. They are the masters of logical disconnects.
And what was Kaepernick doing, @Torgo?
I'm glad I checked to see if this was posted before I posted the same story. Never have been a big fan or Roseanne, her show was ok if nothing else was on and I had to watch TV. I think she has turned herself into a racist trollbait for Don the Con, I have less respect for her than ever. Glad to see ABC has the cojones to kick her off the air.
To be fair, ABC were happy to make money off her racist ass until she made herself so toxic that it looked like it might hit their bottom line.
And....Fox & Friends have another "victim" to grant martyr status to. How long before the Tangerine Turniphead will Tweet about it?
But honestly, I'm glad. I watched the reboot for maybe 20 minutes and found it pretty unfunny. I liked the original show in the beginning because of John Goodman who I think is a great character actor. I really enjoy his work.
fox should pick up the show.
@GipsyOfNewSpain The thing is, outside of FauxNews, the actual Fox channel has done some pretty good television. I mean, I will never forgive them for canceling Firefly, but their network programming hasn't been horrible.
@seaspot_run I don't watch tv, other than 20 mins a day of news. Too many channels and nothing to watch. Never watched the original show. She didn't represented me then or now. Never knew about Firefly.
@GipsyOfNewSpain Firefly was amazing. Get the DVD's or stream it or something.
@seaspot_run If able to get in a torrent.... will be a done deal. I will trust your judgement. Thank You.
@seaspot_run, @Rideauxb I live a life without stress and it is up to me who I allow to get under my skin. She ain't the type of person that will get me. I had been called spick, wetback, beaner, greaser, nigger, etc. I didn't knew the definition of any of those words until I joined the US Navy at 27... I had to live in Europe to learn the only place were there are whites, blacks, yellow and brown skin humans on earth is america. I was raised different. She is garbage now as I knew 28 years ago that she was. What happened 28 years ago? She sang her trailer park rendition of the national anthem grabing her crotch.ABC should had know better than bring her back. She sucks just as any other racist, and we all know it. PEACE.
Firefly, there was a show that contained some great, thought provoking content, ty for the reminder Sea!
And the pure entertainment value!
Imnoho, comparable to star wars!
She lost her mind with all the surgeries. When they won the lottery, I was outta there. Very sad for the rest of the cast.
I'm not angry with Roseanne, she's just a piece of intellect gone astray. My gripe is with the television station trying to make America great again by bringing back an old show. "Let sleeping dogs lie", yes? Trump has done nothing but bring the hidden truth in this country to the forefront like a social media post. "Here's America's true face so let me share it with you" and he screws with the protocol that many of us have followed for many years yet never really questioned.I've learned that the solutions are in the questioning and if we don't ask then we'll never know so instead of pointing fingers and wasting energy putting people down, I ask "why" and seek a rational compromise instead of joining a faction of hate that hates on another faction of hate.
I can’t blame the ABC for want to present a successful show, that will bring in MONEY !!
And I applaud them for presenting a show with a controversial viewpoint - TheRump did win a POTUS election after all!
But I am also glad they drew the line...
Vengeance does the mind good of the person offended, morally right or not...
If I watched my parents being murdered, or was emotionally unaffected by the knowledge of the event, I think I’d be a pretty diminished human being.
If such a terrible event took place in your life, and you didn’t carry that with you until the day you died, I think you’d be lying to yourself, or pathetically distant from your parents emotionally...
There’s an appropriate time for being emotionally unhinged as well - when your parents are in the process of being murdered, is a good time for that imho.
I was a practicing Buddhist for 30 years...
Oh what a shame, I kind of wish I didn't know that, I used to love that show!