Trust me, if you know a Muslim, He or she probably secretly share the same opinion about us atheists and agnostics.
Looks to me like some rabid Haters & Fomentors are attempting to invade this site!
Inflammatory, ridiculous statements like "Muslims believe..." Really???!
I come from a Muslim family and community, I know what I am talking about, as u just practice the extreme lack of understanding of reality.
True indeed. For the 'low down' on this just listen to Pat Condell on his Utube videos . He rants on a bit these days but he tells it how it is. And he also has a go at Roman and Anglican Catholics as well. But what he says about 'militant' Islam is the most interesting and disturbing.
Atheists and Agnostics are the true Infidel. But I have xstain friends who hang out with my satanist friends. I bet as a society gets more diverse, those walls we build of 'us vs. them' will begin to get lower.
@BucketlistBob 'what' is right....looks like my I did some accidental editing up there....I am working with steel while I am doing things, so 'oops'...I will edit, which I hate to do...