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Casual relationship

A casual relationship where both parties are expected to be monogamous. What would you call that??

ashortbeauty 8 May 31

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84 comments (26 - 50)

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Being exclusive does not mean a committed relationship. You are not sleeping with other people.

For three years, I jokingly called a man "my f-ck buddy." Neither of us were sleeping with anyone else. To my surprise, he asked me to marry him. Although he was an extraordinary lover, I don't consider him marriage material.


I have never had one of those! I have the other kind, the "no fuck buddy!" We can do anything but have an intimate relationship: dinner, movie, hike, conversation, but don't touch.


Romantic illusion



"I get a little bit 'Genghis Khan'
"Don't want you to get it on
"With nobody else but meeeeeee..."

"Exclusive FWB". Someone wants STD-free sex without heavy feels. Something I once wanted in my life. Couldn't find a guy who didn't want the feels. Ugh. Humans.


Not very casual.


A relationship "To be mutually expected not to label and possibly to keep private between the two". It's a silent voice against the social norms, it's a position of certainty through some uncertainty, unidentifiability, it's a position of less friction, minimum restriction and if executed educatedly and mindfully, a total freedom and pure love, which doesn't draw any obligation, as not required between two trustworthy, responsible and sensible adults. But if not done properly, it can be a control freak show and manipulation and humiliation.

Well put


Not my cup of tea. But I don't do monogamy or casual. To each their own.

I am monogamous but not usually casual. That's the part that's throwing me

@ashortbeauty I agree! “Casual” sounds like either one of you can replace the other at a whim!

@ashortbeauty it's certainly a strange phrase.


A relationship. Every relationship should be discussed and you should both have an understanding of the expectations and be able to agree on them. If you don't, it's not a relationship yet, just a negotiation.


A monogamous intimate relationship.


You can label it anything you want. I enjoy these relationships.

I'm at my happiest when I have friends to arrange to spend time with (women and men), and a woman to call and go and see (or they come to see me) if I fancy intimacy etc.. It's a perfect arrangement. It's the best of both worlds.

KenG Level 6 May 31, 2018

BTW you look identical to my cousin Nikki and every time I see you post I go 'hey when did Nikki join and she's married and catholic.......waiiiit"



I remember on the Seinfeild show. Where Jerry told George he had an arrangement between him and Elaine . Where as Jerry and Elaine would still be close friends and freely have sex when they want.

George said it would never work. So George and Jerry came up with a set of rules to make it work. It was very funny, it ended up not working.



A good way for introverts and folks that don't enjoy 'too much' of a good thing to satiate the need for companionship, without giving up themselves in the process.


Exclusive companionship is what I had for almost 2 years.

And how did it end? You leaving or her?

@ashortbeauty She left because I broke the rules of falling in love with her. WTF

@TheLiberalGent gotcha


I would call it “bullshit”. A “casual” relationship cannot have any expectations of fidelity or monogamy. You are either in a casual relationship OR an monogamous one. They are mutually exclusive states of being! One party is trying to have their cake and eat it too!

Livia Level 6 June 11, 2018

A contradiction... or, marriage?

Hutch Level 7 May 31, 2018

"Casual sex" defined by Urban Dictionary:

Having sexual contact with another person with no plans on furthering a long term/committed relationship with that person.

I had casual sex with him/her because I needed sexual gratification and nothing more.
by hmm February 06, 2004

Interesting, but I would point out, that the topic says casual relationship, not casual sex...
Still interesting tho.


No longer casual.


We simply arent very well wired for monogamy. My wife and I were monogamous the first few years of our marriage. We get along much better, and have much more productive social lives since we switched to being open/poly.


I call it smart. In my 20's, I realized dating more than one man at a time was crazy-making for all involved. Both men wanted more of my time.

No, thanks. I don't want to expose myself to STDs and emotional anguish by dating a womanizer.

Two years ago, I met a great hiker (what a body!) who doesn't understand being exclusive. Although he lives with a woman, he actively dates and has sex with multiple women.

"Male horn-dogs are a dime a dozen," I told him.


I'm guessing from the comments here and your responses that this is something that was proposed to you. My take: This is a person who wants to ensure YOU are monogamous while also not pressuring him for extensive together time. This statement is so fatuous that all I can imagine is that the other party uses this as a control method while not adhering to the tenets himself.


A control freak and an enabler walk into a bar....


Odd way to look at things. Casual to the person who said this must mean we get it on when we get it on and when apart there's no messing around. Weird oxymoron there. I think that 'casual' to most people means 'no restrictions', yet the 'monogamous' part is a restriction.


Not casual to me. To me casual means you can sleep with whoever you want.


I don't know, but it sounds great to me. I'm a bit of a commitment phobe, but I'm into monogamy.



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