This is exactly how they want to go to get rid of public schools as we know them and get god back into the classrooms. What they are ignorant of is just which god. Powers that be think this plan will work. In the end they would have to teach a little about all the gods because their is no time to turn schools into places of religious learning unless that is how they were set up in the first place. This is a plan of putting church and state together as one. It simply cannot work.
It's really quite frightening to see a country such as the United States in reverse on important social issues such as this. Here in Ireland so long renowned for its conservative Catholic stranglehold on education the complete opposite is happening bringing us into line with the modern world. What's next I wonder?
Trump doesn’t believe in shit and hasn’t had an original thought in decades... the narcissists only here’s himself
Trump and Devoss are violating the 1st Amendment but they may not know what that is however the ACLU, Citizens United, Fairness in politics groups ETAL will fight this in court... the law is clear
They will make everything possible go to court especially with regard to separation of church and state.
Doesn't can't force someone with a brain to embrace Christianity by shoving it down their throat..they tried that blew up in their is disturbing that sex education is being sidelined.Science is being rewritten or at least censored. and funds are going to be ring-fenced purely for Christian teaching..unless they ban the internet.. TV and free association with peer groups..we will be ok..
There is a movement afoot to make this Christian nation. It must be resisted at all costs!
Talk about a hard row to hoe. These crapheads are intent on destroying every bit of progress we've made over the past century.
It just keeps getting worse